AVClub Med

Some nitpicks: heaving someone, using one arm, up and out of the cab and over the dashboard, is impossible for all but maybe two or three humans (The Mountain looks like he could do it to me, but not if my legs got stuck). An average-looking 200 pound man is not going to do it to another average-looking 200 pound

That was my way of saying, what a crappy song, but I guess he loves her.

Well. You hardly needed to tell us that he was a professional singer.

Only 30% of them will show up to vote anyway.

Yes, but good luck with that.

Or had Clinton win Arkansas for him.

Nice list.

"I'd like violate your prime directive" was no doubt his opening line.

"Admiral Crunch… and Archduke Chocula"

I would take either. Definitely Sisko to preside over a Casablanca-like enclave of misfits and refugees. Definitely Picard to Shakespeare things up.

For TNG, mine would be Picard telling the story of Gilgamesh to Paul Winfield.

Her being really into alien sex was the only time that show went off the rails, even a little. I love it.

Lilith's episode did not have time travel, but it still is a nice bookend.

They only had three Sleestack outfits for Land of the Lost, and six alien suits for Aliens. This seemed like the appropriate place to mention this.

As the mayor or something?

I think that she's consistently funny. Would you want to see a Will Ferrell Ghostbusters instead?

I do not plan on seeing it, but if anyone were to remake it, Kristen Wiig would be my first choice.