
Right? Plus you can get into all kind of sex politics too! And yet the most culturally relevant apian-centric artistic work in recent memory is The Bee Movie.

Foment a revolution! Start a Drone's Collective! Royal Jelly for all!

I highly doubt the post-DD2 shilling was done during the actual taping. That definitely felt like something edited in later.

That Blendy straw is giving me flashbacks to cheap school cafeteria straws that would split down the sides and become useless. Also, that is clearly way too much butter for a single saltine. They may as well just have pats on toothpicks.

Just so long as no one demonizes firearms; that would be the true tragedy.

So, how much you guys want to bet Trump flouts the emoluments clause by insisting he gets to keep the giant gold medal the Saudi's gave him?

So and So!
The Slutty One!!!!

I'm going to assume they recorded a fifth The Bold and The Beautiful clue, but realized before taping/airing that it was Objection!able, and so we got Trebek's contribution instead. I like to think it is due to my vigilant watchdogging that they have become more conscientious about these things.

And third-best Who's Line host!

The best part is, as I was watching it I realized I'd pretty much followed all the Black Lodge stuff, and thought "this is remarkably straightforward," as an electro-tree/giant neuron/former Man From Another Place Doppelganger shrieked at me. (Speaking of which, I've heard several reasons why Michael J. Anderson isn't

If it had lasted a few years longer, it'd be Zima.

It's before my time, but Knott's Berry Farm had a pretty popular one: Club K/Could 9. As with many things in the Eisner era, Videopolis was a pretty blatant attempt to cash in on the popularity of something Knott's was already doing.

ElecTRONica had a re-creation of Flynn's Arcade, filled with classic arcade machines (and one or two anachronistic Space Paranoids). It was pretty great.

That wasn't Rob Lowe in a wig??

Was it just me, or was The Rock totally channeling Norm Macdonald for his evil scientist?

So can someone explain to me what Kislyak does that counts as espionage? Because he's already a foreign agent who's job is in part to gather intelligence and promote his country's agenda, and I kind of doubt his position enables much undercover work. Isn't the distinction between diplomat and spy pretty blurry among

And the winner is… HAMILTON ?!

The call girl from the West Wing pilot!

Take him to Detroit!