I mean, they keep paying for unfinished, poorly designed games, so there is an economic upside.
I mean, they keep paying for unfinished, poorly designed games, so there is an economic upside.
Hell, Young doesn't even hold the all time record for one actor with the same character referenced in this article. Caroll Spinney's been Big Bird for 48 years.
Speaking of, I'm sure it's what he needed to hear, but I'm pretty sure Chuck is no Clarence Darrow. He co-owns a corporate law firm, he's not exactly fighting for civil rights here.
They said "I'll see you again in 25 years". They're late.
Spoiler alert: Season 9 is Archer's adventures as a butterfly.
Honestly, even that episode wasn't terrible so much as just a massive waste of potential.
…well I don't think anyone's going to top that.
Yeah, but Dreamland is much more specific, 5ish years after the end of WWII.
That said, I would be okay if season 4 ended up being iZombie IN SPACE.
Maybe not evil-evil, but they're definitely the Magneto here, with a heavy dose of military-industrial shadiness.
Your thinking of when she went undercover at Max Rager, with Rose McIver's real hair.
Don E: Are we having fun yet?!
Of course, there are male cows as well.
Kid A, fucker. (is a mere 16 years old so at least there's that?)
So is Sony still, against all reason, trying to do these spinoffs by themselves instead of letting Marvel print them money?
Listen, I don't disagree with you or anything, but I do need to point out you've lost a lot of fights with fat old men.
Right? Are all these deleted posts the same person?
Wait, there's an invisible primary too?! So the 2016 GOP field was the cut-down version?
Plus, when the chips are down, you really want someone who can take a chair to… honestly, I can't decide who to put here. So many choices!
This is the West, sir. When the legend becomes fact, print the legend.