
…but @disqus_oyX2Ve0vbQ:disqus wasn't doing that.

Also known as a "USA show".
They know their niche.

Only when they tell you upfront they're going to break your heart. :(

*decapitates @tony_chooch:disqus with an uppercut, three times, somehow*

I just spent way too long staring at this comment, trying to figure out how to point out how you skipped Vega in the naming switcheroo while still making it clear I'm a fun person to be around who gets jokes and isn't hopelessly pedantic,

No one seems to know where to send Carmen Sandiego's invitation.

Both those games have a handful of missions that are complete fucking bullshit. Not out of intentional design, but purely because Rockstar never seemed to bother with playtesting.

They had different fighting styles?

And yet, the arcade version of MK2 is still easily the best entry in the entire franchise.

Lizzie really didn't like the US version of The Office.

I can, at this point, easily mow through all the characters/matches up to Mr. Sandman.
I have never beaten Mr. Sandman.

People that remember those games are Rare.


Of course, this movie can't be canon because Deckard, like all replicants, would have burned out long ago.

There is a pizza/Italian place near me that still offers Freedom Fries. They never stopped. It's baffling.

I know I'm late, but has no one mentioned that Charlotte's kidnapping fantasy is exactly what Barry did to Mallory last year?

What is Go Set a Watchman?

One might even call them… dunces.