Rob Thomas shows are destined to toil in obscurity., only to become massively popular as soon as they're cancelled. It's the way of the world.
(Party Down is massively popular now, right?)
Rob Thomas shows are destined to toil in obscurity., only to become massively popular as soon as they're cancelled. It's the way of the world.
(Party Down is massively popular now, right?)
Where are you on ironic titles you only understand the irony of if you already watch the show (Trophy Wife, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend)?
If RFK had won in 1968 the progressive movement, and idealism in general, would have kept going instead of stalling completely. In my perfect hypothetical world, this prevents the LBJ and Nixon-era disillusionment and the rise of Reagan.
Yeah, it wasn't like Obama just decided single-payer was too hard. With that Congress there was no way.
It's not even worth a Point of Order, but FWIW the Washington Monument dedication was several months shy of being "20 years after the end" of the Civil War.
Hmm, technically this article is about a book.
All right, I say this passes the significant nexus test - that's strong enough connection to pop culture to be AV Club-appropriate.
Which is good, because as of yesterday you can be denied health coverage if you have CancerAIDS.
Just checked out Ice Cold Beer. Mechanical arcade games are cool.
At least their resultant deal with Philips worked out so well.
So you haven't actually met a Muslim. Your absolute knowledge that all 1.7 billion of them are evil and out to get you comes exclusively from internet "research" comprised entirely of Brietbart fever dreams. All of which is apparently perfect and beyond reproach.
God, so much wrong I don't know where to start.
1. Have you ever actually met a Muslim? If so, did you insult their personal spirituality to their face or just glower at them in contempt?
2. Cultists don't lose freedom of religion, which is why Scientology still exists.
3. Islam in virtually all of it's mainstream forms…
People suffer all the time though. If you don't know them personally it's fake news, and if you do know them - well, it'd probably be worse under Killary!
Reluctant upvote.
Honestly, I don't know what it takes to negatively affect the GOP at this point. There have been dozens of things that logically should have been mortal blows in the last few months.
Plantation weddings are totally a thing in the (white) South. Just ask Paula Deen.
"For too long the government has bullied, even punished, people for their religious beliefs. No more! Anyway, back to Muslim Ban v3.0…"
Aw man, there were brevees in the hizzy??
Yeah, but for a lot of voters, even that description is too nuanced. For many, this looks like:
"They said they'd repeal and replace Obamacare. They repealed and replaced Obamacare."
Psst, Laura, Don Quixote didn't need a Spanish translation!
Holy shit, you're right.