
So I'm just jumping back in, only having seen this ep and the pilot, but the fact that Reggie has just been hanging around the background not doing anything totally means he's the murderer, right?

Multi-day champs give the audience more of a rooting interest, but not necessarily for said champ. We all remember Buzzy.

Madison Sinclair was always outgunned on wit. Even by Dick.

Nintendo loves to do that forced scarcity shit. The weird thing is they don't actually seem to profit from it that much.

It was dumped like two years ago.

No, it was basically 'Crow and Tom Servo provided comedic commentary for This Island Earth in the movie based on this TV series.'

Trebek totally thought he was referring to an old sea captain.

Maybe he didn't have cable?

My prediction: Barry's going to take revenge in kind… but through some farcical misadventure, end up taking Ray's feet instead.

Is it weird that her 1940s voice sounds more modern than her 19?? one? Maybe she was just doing more of an LA accent than a New York one, which to me sounds normal.

Poovy had a shaving cut on her chin in the flashbacks to their apartment, which doesn't exactly help my hypothesis that she's a woman passing as a man.

If you're going to have a clue about MST3K The Movie, it should really be about how it's probably the only instance of a movie based on a TV show that is actually shorter than the average (or indeed, every) episode of said show.


The Alt-Right is pretty young, though. You can't just wait for prejudice to die off.

That's… optimistic.

No, you're thinking of Rope-a-Pope, which is where when you're fighting a Pope you let them wail on you as best they can until they get so tired they can be knocked down easily. Note that if the Pope is fighting you ex cathedra, even if you score a knock-out, under Catholic dogma you will still technically lose the

He's totally a parody of that goth-in-wardrobe-only tech-person on NCIS, right?

So, did some tumblr or subreddit link to this, or something?

"Do you think they named the murdered dad Stan just so they could make the Flat Stanley comic book panel joke?"

I don't know why it bugs me so much when they do that, but it does.