
"Safe Word"
I bet they make all their passwords "Password" too.

It was odd for the ER clue to highlight that they did an East Coast and West Coast feed, but not The West Wing clue, even though they did that too.


Trebek may think the Peace Corps is a great place, but as it's part of the US foreign aid the current Presidential administration certainly doesn't agree. Look forward to tomorrow's Breitbart headline: ALEX TREBEK: GLOBALIST CUCK?? (I hear he wasn't even born in America!)
(Also, it's not a place. Can't let my general

It's not at the end of a list, so no, it wouldn't be a serial/Oxford comma, but you still need a comma or else it means Kenny died on some weirdly-named lightning (maybe some special kind of meth, though that sounds more like it'd be Tweak's thing).
Whether the comma should come before or after the quotation mark is a

Our reading rewards program netted us In n Out, and I think I still need to go back and thank all my teachers for that.

They could have had a horse ranch together!

All I know is his Cinnabon coworkers (underlings? He is at least the manager, right?) are going to call an ambulance for him, which is going to be a pretty big thing.

I'm not sure how consciously she was thinking about that, though. I think she was/is pushing that from her mind as best as possible, and it was manifesting as punctuation anxiety.

I'm pretty sure the Air Force got a bump too though.

And then he passes out, and will presumably be going to a hospital, where they will need identifying information. Are we going to get actual plot in the Dark Future segments?

They were both leaving, and the vet made the point to stop and ask about the dog. It's main purpose was to remind us who he was, but also humanize him (Gilligan likes to do that). It wasn't small talk.

Chuck's an asshole, but I think you may be overstating the purity of Jimmy's intentions.

Fuck you, Chuck.

Bonus J!6 Objection!
Kenny wasn't killed "on South Park lightning". Omitting the comma between Park and lightning broke the clue and made it unanswerable.

Psst, Greg, humans have more than one orifice.



Um, excuse me, but I think you did not understand the deep subtext of the Anakin/Obi-Wan fight in Episode III. May I direct your attention to the nigh-Shakespearean line, "You cannot win, Anakin! I have the high ground!"
Admittedly it took me several viewings to grasp the underlying meaning, but in a moment of epiphany