
It's a shame. It's a small change but there was no reason to apply it across the board on each song. She has an amazing voice it doesn't need processing. I was also let down a little. My fav. song on Recover EP was actually ZVVL. I enjoy his songs… it's nothing special but when used to tentpole her awesome voice it

LOL… yeah calling them an electopop band just feels wrong for all the right reasons. It's a solid C for me too which is what the consensus is. I get what the reviewer was saying and why they didn't enjoy it but to give it that grade to me just means it's not redeemable. They did something and failed… it might make it

Hit the nose of the head. A-Ha was the most perfect imperfect record. Everything being released in 2004 was out of this world serious or taking itself thusly ( looking at you Green Day) and this just dusted the cobwebs off. You can tell they were making the music because they WANTED to… they wrote and played them

The difference here though is the ones you mentioned didn't just change the direction of their music they abandoned it for commercial gain. Weezer wanted to be in your fraternity and Liz must have thought modern feminism WAS to actually become a prostitute for fame. MGMT is being MGMT and just failing to connect. They

I doubt there's a person alive not on board with that sentiment. Unless it was a inside joke between only them it was embarrassing.

Am I right in assuming it's one person doing them all? I might be blind or lazy I can't seem to find anything about the writer.

They have potential. As Above So Below is better than most flavor of the moments entire output (Art Brut… that horrible Louie the XIV band.. ugh)

Can't win and you can't loose. Take Interpol for example. Turn on the Bright Lights is one of my all time favorites. It instantly said who they were as a band and showcased some things they can do really well. They delivered more of the same to a somewhat diminishing return on Antics. They get slammed for retreading

I really really like their AC clone… I really really hate those bleeps and bloops. I'm with you all the way the blueprints for something better are in there… that's why it's not that hard to listen to in my opinion. Maybe when they lose their record contracts and Fridmann goes to sonically destroy another band they'll

I just brought you that pizza.

I often wonder if I overrate it due to my dislike of Contra. Truth be told I honestly can't tell you what I enjoy about it the most. I've listened to it the most this year and when I do listen I listen to the whole thing. Normally I just listen to an album long enough to pick out the highlights and never revisit the

I was listening and there was this kinda dumb part on… they were just rocking away… and I envisioned my 52 year old coworker who is obsessed with everyone thinking she's much younger and cooler than she is drinking a low calorie beer and fist pumping. :-) Hope I get her name in the secrete Santa pool this year…

What is seems to me is they had help on their first recordings. Someone they included to edit them down and shape the melody. It worked… they got a contract and since they had three very good pop songs axed their collaborator and ventured on their own. But good songs are there in all the chaos. Listen to "A Good

Back then I thought Vampire Weekend were good for 3 albums at best… after Contra I was sure of it. They deserve their kudos. I have hope for MGMT I really do. If not and they want to get lost up their own asses they can take comfort knowing Mars Volta was able to make that work for them for so many years.

Hummmm… named it "Hesitation Marks"… wonder if
"I'm Only Doing This To Fund All The Little Pet Projects I Have Going On Because I Can't Market My Wife Successfully  But She Insists To Keep Singing And I'm Much Happier Doing ANYTHING Other Than NIN So I Need Your Money In Exchange For Some AWFULLY Familiar Songs I

Completely solid and a big improvement from Suck It. It's easy to complain about the simple lyrics and more machismo swagger but did everyone expect them to keep creating hyper-literate hyper-anglo rock their entire career. Their classic rock drag looks good on them.

I don't get it. He's more talented than he probably should be for a Canadian child star but there's nothing essential about his music. It comes out… it's played for a bit then it just vaporizes. Nothing he rap sings carries any weight, it's easily forgotten about, and not worth revisiting. In contrast I'm still

While I've enjoyed it there's one nagging issue I have that's stopping me from declaring it best of the year. The production is washing out the entire album making the songs a little less distinct. I realize they have their own sound  but I'm almost relieved when the guy sings his two songs because it gives me

I'm having a hard time figuring out who their fan base is now. This is going to be their second disappointment in a row. I have a weird soft spot for them though. Caleb has one of the best voices in rock and the rest can create a great manic intensity. I sure hope before they fizzle out (very very close to doing so)

I found this to be a little harsher than it needed to be. A D grade suggests that there's a large portion of it that's unlistenable which is not the case. While there's not many highlights and it doesn't leave much of an impression there's no part of it that's just a complete face palm of poor song craft. I can listen