Lord Autumn-Bottom

That irritating news could be potentially beneficial for the sitcoms, though, couldn't it? Then again, NBC's schedule re-kajiggering rarely seems to work out for the better, so probably not.

“I don't think those feelings are that different from what everybody's feeling. Most people just don't tell everybody.” Very good point. I guess it's just that the "telling everybody" part makes it seem more serious.

Kerri Kenney-Silver looked really good with those bangs. And this episode ruled.

So it would seem. Maybe all I need to do is adjust my expectations accordingly.

Ahh, I was thinking Seven was a good deal later. Pretty rude of your date. :|

L.A. was purgatory. Or was that Sydney? No, L.A.

Ann seemed long-lived, but in very short bursts that didn't really seem to amount to any sort of actual romance. And yes, glad someone remembered Lucy.

How did you know what movie Keyser Soze was in?

I'm glad they decided the way they did for Jesse and Boyd, and kind of indifferent about Frohike and Helo, but I do wish they had killed off Jack. And not just because Matthew Fox turned out to be such a cock in real life. It could've been really interesting to have Kate in the leadership role, and Jack never really

Shit, and I tried pretty hard to confirm with my eyes that that really was Gina Torres before deciding it was. Shoulda tried harder, I guess.

You know, I think that's it. I'm a real lightweight when it comes to horror stuff, so those elements really worked for me in the second season, and the first, to a lesser extent. It was just enough to hook me, I guess. But there hasn't been anything so far this season that's even tried to be scary, and I guess

Ahh, right. I guess that explains it, although selecting the pelvis and the penis individually instead of as a….

I'd think reading too few tabloids is something that cannot be done.

Couldn't remember if there was one of those teasers in that episode. Awesome. Wonder how long this chain of spinoffs is going to get.

I think it was actually called "Body Parts" by a lot of guides and whatnot. Possibly an I.F.T. situation to keep people from getting upset about a potential penile euphemism showing up in their TV Guide.

Wasn't the gay couple a pair of red herrings for Rubber Man? And Arden as Bloody Face. Sure, the average AV Clubber sees through them easily enough, but that doesn't mean they're not red herrings.

Hey, was it just my imagination, or did Lange sort of gesture towards her crotch when she said that "toast" line?

THERE IT IS! Kinda-sorta-not-really speaking of which, was I just not paying close enough attention, or was the pelvic portion of the to-be-reanimated Evan Peters entirely without a wang?

A bunch more great stuff this week. Pretty awesome to see Gina Torres as Mrs. Luther, but I think the highlight for me was the soccer/flop sketch. That was a real roller-coaster of emotions and thoughts, there.

This season's really not doing it for me so far. This episode got a few good laughs out of me, but apparently I need something more from AHS than just sheer insanity and loony dialogue to really enjoy the show. Can't imagine what that might be, though.