Lord Autumn-Bottom

His own podcast is pretty good, imo, but he was definitely not a good fit for DLM (even though his co-host is DLM paragon Samm Levine).  Then again, this is a show where the harmony or disharmony between the guests makes a big difference.  Doubt he'll do the "returning winner" thing, but if he were to show up with

The hosts of How Did This Get Made are, at the very least, the princes and princess of it.

As frustrating as that was, it made the character that much funnier.  Bamford didn't really get to have too much of an impact on the show directly, so it did feel a little wasteful, but her being there definitely made Leykis a lot funnier than he would've been alone, or maybe even with a different main guest.

I'd never heard of him when I first heard Adomian's impression (not sure if it was the Poehler CBB episode or somewhere else), and I thought it was just a fictional character.  Matter of fact, I've still never heard of him, exactly — I just slowly pieced together that the character was an impression of an extant

His main priority seems to be acceptance into the Donovan clan, so I guess he's gonna be prone to helping first and asking questions later.

Are you sure?  I thought I remembered Bunchy being in the car, nervously drumming on the steering wheel like he would, when someone (either Ray or Miller, I think) looked at the surveillance footage of the area.  Then again, I haven't always paid close attention to what's going on in this show, so that might've been

Good review. My thoughts exactly, on pretty much all counts. I think a big part of what made this episode work better than most episodes of this show, was the amount of time it dedicated to the main plot. One of the show's big problems, which it'll hopefully adjust in its second season, is that it tries to cram so

I believe Bunch was driving the car when Mickey shot the other priest earlier in the season.

One of Chang's best lines.

I assume his absence will have had something to do with alcohol.

Huh.  And it's launching in two weeks?  That's quick.  I would've thought the G4 thing was already well underway.  Where does this leave G4?  Back to videogames?  Cops and Cheaters 24/7?  Off the air entirely?

Oh, and the Hader interview was awesome. At least one of those epiphany face-covers was definitely him hiding a laugh.  And there were a few points where Aukerman was clearly just barely keeping it together, as well.  I can't help but love that stuff. Maybe I'm just watching the show through a different "lens," or

I mean his REAL home planet. (Ear F, in the Orion's Ear system.)

I guess Will Smith was kind of essential to Men In Black's goodness, but I never liked him in Independence Day.  He was pretty much my least favorite part of that movie. Just annoyed me most of the time, and didn't really seem to have much chemistry with Goldblum's much better and more likable character.  I'd be

The gun is good. The penis is evil.

I guess I'm the only one, but I have a very low tolerance for characters like Fourvel and Li'l Gary and Paul Scheer's Frank Stallone. Just can't stand those voices, no matter how conceptually funny the characters may be.  I loved everything else about this episode, though.

I only wish they'd done a little bit more with that montage.  Some bit of wistfulness about missing their friends, maybe.  It just wasn't touching to quite the same extent as, say, the Fry-becomes-Lars montage or "The Late Philip J. Fry."  Let alone "Fryrish" or "Bark."  Actually, what I wish is that this had been an

@avclub-01ca29cc78b0482f461c213c8e27f7aa:disqus I used to really enjoy saying, "You sssyon of a byitch!" but it's been so long since I watched the show that I'm not sure anymore whether that's the correct "pronunciation," nor can I even remember to whom he said that. Lee?

I wish it was possible to type the way Michael Hogan speaks.

I think it actually went downhill a lot during season 4, and we were all just too distracted by John Lithgow's awesomeness to notice.