Lord Autumn-Bottom

What @avclub-6beb5f589a9fd04c21fcd50db3d9c80c:disqus said.  McGuirk never has success with women, so he gets intimidated when he finally does.  Her looniness might've played a small part, but he's pretty nuts also, so it's mostly about his relative inexperience with actually getting near the finish line.

"I'm a big beautiful woman!"


Oh no, don't bring True Blood into this.

You weren't a fan of Irri or Doreah?

Ha! Just so.

@avclub-b15c09f68d56c3bd35de82aefd6702bd:disqus He's also a very talented artist.

It ain't government work until you have to do it twice.

"Did we kiss last night?"
"Good god, woman, no!"

iirc, the point of the banana was for him to get more potassium, so I figure the benefit is the same no matter what he stuffs it into.

@avclub-4853aa291d3e1b8f8d6ccb9318b0124a:disqus Ha, I knew someone would make that joke.  Ned's beheading was much less abrupt and out-of-nowhere than Jaime's behanding, and Ned wasn't screaming as the episode ended.  Those two elements are what make this song feel appropriate to me.

I really wonder exactly when it was that that guy decided he was gonna
do something terrible to Jaime.  Was it as soon as he started talking
about Brienne, or when he said "unbesmirched," or when he asked to be
unbound from the tree, or even some point after that…

I thought it was jarring at first, but pretty soon I decided it was kind of perfect.  I just can't imagine any of the regular credits music working all that well right after a dude gets his hand chopped off so abruptly.

The contrast between the Podrick scene — probably the most purely comical scene in the series to date — and the attempted rapes of Brienne and Theon and the crucified slaves and the Hoster Tully funeral and Jaime's dehanditation, was pretty severe.  And that rock music during the credits!  Fucking bizarre, but also

Ahahaha, I see.  Well-put.

I was about to post this quote, more or less.  Well done.

Per Twitter, it's apparently Yvette Nicole Brown's favorite episode, for what it's worth.

I do, but only because she can't.  Should she ever actually develop her swordplay skills to a level of competency, perhaps via some training with the Brotherhood, then I'm totally onboard to see her cut some dudes. Not likely to happen, but I'd like it if it did, is what I'm saying. I'm not eagerly anticipating that

I was feeling really fed-up with Californication earlier in the season, as it felt like so much more of the same (which I guess could be said for most seasons of the show, but I was really feeling it this time, whereas I'd always been a defender of the show before).  The last four or five episodes of this season were

Ah.  We don't see eye-to-eye after all.