Leave it to Alison Brie to make a Samara costume attractive.
Leave it to Alison Brie to make a Samara costume attractive.
Baby In A Straitjacket!
I only tuned into this show a few times, but it had some surprisingly good guests for such a smalltime cable talk show. And I liked her sidekick guy, but she herself was rarely funny. Her jokes were usually very predictable and tired. But occasionally she'd get a good one in there. And she was nice to look at,…
Either way, 'sarright.
OMGOMG Ron vs. Joan, that's going to be wonderful.
TGIF? More like TINGIPGTGCIBTSNGWDEAITITC (There is no god. It's probably going to get cancelled; "it" being the show, not god, who doesn't exist, and is thus immune to cancellation).
Of COURSE mustache man likes Kevin James. God I really want to punch this person in the face. You really are a great writer, Todd.
That logo really belongs on a bottle, not a light fixture.
Her nervous giggling when that one dude went down on her last season was, I'm pretty sure, the funniest moment of the show to date.
The attrition of that dinner party, and pretty much everything in that whole plot, was brilliant and hilarious. And the Shoshanna-Ray story was lovely, and I'm really happy that Shosh' is getting some real plot time this season, where last season she only had maybe a couple episodes with any significant part to…
I'd put them in the same category as "Nigerian prince" jokes, racism-wise. I.e., maaaaybe ever so slightly racist, but not enough to actually warrant being labeled as such.
Jon Daly is just killing it on this show. Between last week's "Hey ghost, you're freakin' toast!" and this week's passionate "Fuck you!" to that Aryan guy, he's garnering some of the biggest laughs in the show. And this was definitely my favorite episode so far.
They are pretty similar, aren't they? But Kroll Show is neither constantly disgusting nor aesthetically offputting (i.e., no "VHS" effect), which are my main problems with T&EASGJ. I can see why a Tim & Eric fan would be unfond of another guy's show using the same format (although I would hope that Tim himself…
Mulaney's "You're on a prank show, whether you like it or not!" at the end of that sketch was really what made it work for me.
Raylan saying "My goodness!" at the end was great. Raylan exclaims so rarely that when he does, it's just hilarious.
Nuts, I somehow missed Noah's rescue of Dalia. I thought that plotline remained unresolved.
I don't really care too much about Dallas one way or the other. All the other major characters in the show have been brought down to earth pretty well by now, but she continues to be thoroughly a cartoon (well, her and Noah, I suppose). So I can't say I dislike her, because she's too ridiculous to take seriously…
What is it with Soderbergh and all-star casts, anyway? What is he, a galaxy with a broken arm?
Yeah, I'm pretty sure Game of Thrones was always gonna catch up to the books sooner or later, regardless of this news. We can only hope that the writers are capable of finishing the story themselves if need be.