Lord Autumn-Bottom

I'm really wondering what that mole thing was all about now.  The only thing I can think of that indicated there was a mole was when Aileen tipped off Faisel to keep driving when Carrie and Danny were tailing him.  But it's been so long since then, and no developments… makes me think that there was some other

I'm really wondering what that mole thing was all about now.  The only thing I can think of that indicated there was a mole was when Aileen tipped off Faisel to keep driving when Carrie and Danny were tailing him.  But it's been so long since then, and no developments… makes me think that there was some other

Goodbye, David Estes.  You sure did look great in a suit.

Goodbye, David Estes.  You sure did look great in a suit.

SO obvious. :p

SO obvious. :p

And so it winds up as many predicted, that between the three albums you have about enough good tracks for one solid (albeit short) album.  I think the boys just lost the will to kill their children.

And so it winds up as many predicted, that between the three albums you have about enough good tracks for one solid (albeit short) album.  I think the boys just lost the will to kill their children.

The previous episode did come off a little Islamophobic, and I can imagine someone finding it offensive if that was the only episode they ever saw.  Apart from that, meh.  Disagree.

The previous episode did come off a little Islamophobic, and I can imagine someone finding it offensive if that was the only episode they ever saw.  Apart from that, meh.  Disagree.

Sadly the show's ratings have only gotten better over the years, despite the show's decline.  If Showtime has a backbone they'll cancel it, but if they care more about the money than the show's admittedly already-compromised legacy, they'll just take that "blood money" until Michael C. Hall decides to call it quits.

Sadly the show's ratings have only gotten better over the years, despite the show's decline.  If Showtime has a backbone they'll cancel it, but if they care more about the money than the show's admittedly already-compromised legacy, they'll just take that "blood money" until Michael C. Hall decides to call it quits.

Sorry Rowan, but I'm pretty sure the turnover on VO recording and mixing (not to mention matching to an animated character) is longer than half a day.  Maybe next year!

Sorry Rowan, but I'm pretty sure the turnover on VO recording and mixing (not to mention matching to an animated character) is longer than half a day.  Maybe next year!

Wishful thinking, I suppose.

Wishful thinking, I suppose.

Yeah, the fantasy league stuff seems extremely ancillary to the show in any given episode, which is odd considering that it's the ostensible premise/pretext of the show, but of course there's only so much (virtually nothing) you can do with that in terms of comedy.

Yeah, the fantasy league stuff seems extremely ancillary to the show in any given episode, which is odd considering that it's the ostensible premise/pretext of the show, but of course there's only so much (virtually nothing) you can do with that in terms of comedy.

To be fair, his standup is at least sporadically enjoyable.  His movies are just pure fecal matter transmuted into film.

To be fair, his standup is at least sporadically enjoyable.  His movies are just pure fecal matter transmuted into film.