Lord Autumn-Bottom

Why does no one ever recite the extra colon at the end of NTSF:SD:SUV::?

Aw, I feel sorry for my theoretical self.  There was a time when getting your ideas onto network TV meant something.  But that was before reality shows, I guess.

Aw, I feel sorry for my theoretical self.  There was a time when getting your ideas onto network TV meant something.  But that was before reality shows, I guess.

I did see that!  The interview was a little odd, but she looked fabulous.  Being reminded of her appearance makes me realize that Karen Gillan wore the exact same dress on Conan last night.

I did see that!  The interview was a little odd, but she looked fabulous.  Being reminded of her appearance makes me realize that Karen Gillan wore the exact same dress on Conan last night.

Still weird, by my American, anti-social standards.

Still weird, by my American, anti-social standards.

Oh man… now I feel guilty for only ever using it once.

Oh man… now I feel guilty for only ever using it once.

The capstone course for my writing degree was all about "the uncanny."  I never fully understood the concept (although I did get an A in the course), but my general understanding was that it meant something that was just outlandish enough to seem like it was fantasy instead of reality, but just realistic enough to

The capstone course for my writing degree was all about "the uncanny."  I never fully understood the concept (although I did get an A in the course), but my general understanding was that it meant something that was just outlandish enough to seem like it was fantasy instead of reality, but just realistic enough to



How do @avclub-e131fa896265671584c9b01cb0ed51cd:disqus and @fieldafar:disqus keep up with the news like that?

How do @avclub-e131fa896265671584c9b01cb0ed51cd:disqus and @fieldafar:disqus keep up with the news like that?

He really ties the schedule together.

He really ties the schedule together.

What's with all the Emilys!?

What's with all the Emilys!?

But everything in the show was in bad taste.  I thought we were all in agreement about that.  This is a 22-minute bad taste-a-thon.  That one joke at least had a slapstick element to it.  Not claiming it was a good joke, as good jokes go, but relative to the rest of the episode…