Lord Autumn-Bottom

Oh man, that really was a good episode.  "How are ya doin'!?" "NO, NO, NO, NO!  It's 'How you doin'?'  DAMMIT Carl, go wait in the hall!"

That silent scene where he tries to deodorize the air with binaca and sprays air freshener in his mouth was very well done; definitely one of the highlights of that first season.

That silent scene where he tries to deodorize the air with binaca and sprays air freshener in his mouth was very well done; definitely one of the highlights of that first season.

This episode had plenty of flaws, mostly in terms of the sort of forced, out-of-the-blue feeling of everything that happened, the disconnection from the rest of the season, and of course the standard "wtf is this Doug bullshit" problem.  But I can't hold that stuff against the episode too much, because the rest of it

This episode had plenty of flaws, mostly in terms of the sort of forced, out-of-the-blue feeling of everything that happened, the disconnection from the rest of the season, and of course the standard "wtf is this Doug bullshit" problem.  But I can't hold that stuff against the episode too much, because the rest of it

Yeah, I hated that echo-y shout, and I thought the scene would've been better without a score… didn't notice the problematic shots/cuts, though.

Yeah, I hated that echo-y shout, and I thought the scene would've been better without a score… didn't notice the problematic shots/cuts, though.

This story is below room temperature.

This story is below room temperature.

Dean's too busy running the Snakehole Lounge.

Dean's too busy running the Snakehole Lounge.

I'm impressed that you recognized the name.  Though I guess you two may have watched those early seasons more recently than I have; but I had completely forgotten about the character, and didn't recognize her until her deafness was demonstrated.  Though I did, for whatever reason, think of Quinn Hodes, who appeared

I'm impressed that you recognized the name.  Though I guess you two may have watched those early seasons more recently than I have; but I had completely forgotten about the character, and didn't recognize her until her deafness was demonstrated.  Though I did, for whatever reason, think of Quinn Hodes, who appeared

Jeez, these situations have been pretty menacing as of late.  Honestly, it makes me angry more than it makes me laugh.

Jeez, these situations have been pretty menacing as of late.  Honestly, it makes me angry more than it makes me laugh.

I watched that episode a couple months ago and was surprised to see Olivia Williams as a nameless bridesmaid makin' out with Joey. Anyway, I liked Phoebe's repeated attempts to call Joey being repeatedly shut down by Jennifer Saunders. And Monica's dumb chicken:salmonella::salmon:chickenella line often occurs to me

I watched that episode a couple months ago and was surprised to see Olivia Williams as a nameless bridesmaid makin' out with Joey. Anyway, I liked Phoebe's repeated attempts to call Joey being repeatedly shut down by Jennifer Saunders. And Monica's dumb chicken:salmonella::salmon:chickenella line often occurs to me

"Look at me, I'm Chandler!  Could I BE wearing any more clothes!?"

"Look at me, I'm Chandler!  Could I BE wearing any more clothes!?"

The WENUS makes him unhappy.