
For a second, I was expecting to roll my eyes at her surviving a really high fall in a car, but while the alien ship was in its death throes its tentacles lowered the car mostly to the ground before it got dropped

Wait, the general consensus is that Abrams ruined Episode VII? Not the consensus of a specific group of Star Wars fans? Seems a big call…

Could it be that you're missing Owen Wilson sharing writing duties as he did on Bottle Rocket, Rushmore and Tenenbaums?

Possibly the greatest band in Australia at the moment, and almost certainly the best live band.  Do yourself a favour (and check them out)!

Yeah, like most Channel 10-related news items these days, the Simpsons thing is pretty ominous - they shunted it off to OneHD in 2011 or 2012 but had to bring it back somewhat recently to prop up the main channel…

To make that kid's eyes pop out of his head she should have replied "now picture me OUT of a burka"

To make that kid's eyes pop out of his head she should have replied "now picture me OUT of a burka"

I fucking love Straight to Hell, and can probably listen to it on repeat on any given day, but I think the From Here to Eternity version absolutely smokes the one on Combat Rock

I fucking love Straight to Hell, and can probably listen to it on repeat on any given day, but I think the From Here to Eternity version absolutely smokes the one on Combat Rock

The fingerbang threat level is much higher than in Modern Family

Take some comfort in the fact that they'll definitely review the US version with Andy Daly as Myles

Flash Harry I've watched ep 1 so far but have (at least) two issues:
1. After watching this and a bunch of East West 101 recently, I can't tell if Aaron Fa'aoso is a terrible actor or just given shitty scripts and asked to add more smirking

I'd bet that most books aren't as high brow as they think they are

I think all aussie screenplays need to have at least one THEN THEY ROOT

I came on here to comment, apropos of nothing until seeing your comment, that it's one of the best attempts at an aussie accent I've heard in film or tv, at least in the first episode (I seem to remember it going slightly off the rails in subsequent eps).

Plus, Helen told Carrie that the only reason she believed a word of what they told her about Tom's plan was that he'd been in the country for x amount of time and hadn't contacted her or the son.

I like the idea of a bewildered Andy swept up in an affair he barely knows is happening, and if handled well it could shake up the Robert/Andy dynamic somewhat, which is sorely needed.  Put me down as cautiously optimistic…

Pretty sure that the mother of Robert's son is the woman who was usurped by the current Mrs California

I'm confused - are we supposed to hate the show these days because it hasn't changed at all or because it's changed too much?