
The ultimate pitch for Ziggy's already out there thanks to the Flophouse podcast. And I agree with Elliott Kalan that it would have to be Wallace Shawn. http://flophousepodcast.wik…

This just made me think of the headline/news in brief from the Onion about how plastic surgery is still 30 years away from making people look better… Why does Wannabieber look more like Bruce Jenner??? And I could never tell in a million years that bland girl was supposed to look like Jennifer Lawrence.

Have only seen the first episode, so I'm not sure how it will hold up.  The pilot was pretty good, and I'm usually surprised when I see a good pilot.  I'm kinda glad this wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be and while I see the vague similarities between this and 2BG, this was at least consistently funny

I actually saw him at the NYC Food and Wine fest.  He was shilling for one of the pasta companies there.  I think I also saw him slumming in an episode of Hell's Kitchen last season.  My sister ate at Kevin's restaurant in Philly and said it was really good, so he's got that going for him…
Hosea always seemed like a

I was disappointed to see Ed go, but at the same time, I saw it coming a mile away thanks to what seems like consistently sloppy editing work throughout this season.  The editors seem to really have gotten their rocks off at foreshadowing (paraphrasing Ed:  I'll be really pissed if Bev comes back in and beats me — My

I've tried to watch about four episodes so far, and have never gotten more than ten minutes in to any of them before I give up on it.  It's all stale stereotypes, and bad one liners delivered with out any emotion or conviction.  The sense of humor could best be described as punishingly, brutally, sadistically unfunny.

I've seen this movie twice now and still just can't get in to it. The first time was on VHS with my older sister and her friends at our house. I couldn't believe that anyone could like this awful awful movie. THen a few years later I went to visit her in college and we went to a midnight showing. I still had the

90% waste of time
The wife dragged me to it. She even admitted that she owes me now. Hallmark would cringe at how insufferably saccarine and artificial the family scenes were. Martin and Krasinsky were the only saving graces to this and they weren't in it nearly enough.