Random Dick

Worst Lyric
Has to be The Police for Wrapped Around My Finger

I would buy that.

Black Sabbath. 3 notes = kicks your fuckin' ass…

Oh, great, you're mocking me. You selfish count - ry-music loving lady!

Shopkeeper: I must warn you the doll is cursed.
Homer Simpson: That's bad.
Shopkeeper: But it comes with a free frogurt!
Homer Simpson: That's good.
Shopkeeper: The frogurt is also cursed.
Homer Simpson: That's bad!
Shopkeeper: But it comes with a free choice of toppings!
Homer Simpson: That's good!

@ Fart Blossom

I totally agree with the comment above. Swank = Butterface…

Easily the Swimming Hour…

This had 'useless pile of shit' written on it from the get go. I think that was the working title…