M. A. Lee

Things I Liked That I Don't Think Have Been Mentioned
-The fact that every show on NBC started as a spin-off of Supercomputer.
-The sweet and fluffy dogs that were brought in to fight Tracy Jordan.
-The horrified reaction of the therapist to Jack Donaghy's performance.

You Have a Son, And It's Me.
Yes. That was great. Also, "Limitless Paper in a Paperless World" and that one fellow's struggle to remember the Kit-Kat jingle.

He seems a lot like the narrators in 1950s instructional films. If Barbara covers that stain on her sweater with a scarf one more time, she'll be forced to eat her own feet.

I have it on good authority that Agar-Agar is the name of a Faulknerian retarded manchild.

Advice Columnists
There is no way that this can be better than Dear Lovey Hart, I Am Desperate. I mean the novel.

My Favorite
"Israelites" by Desmond Dekker and the Aces.

The Night of the Hunter
Someone mentioned this movie before. I would just like to say that it is a fucking wonderful movie. Poor Shelley Winters, always getting killed so some man can get at Liz Taylor or a bag of gold or a sexy child.

Forgive me, everyone. I looked at the link. Apparently Maxim sees Sandra Oh as a bony, castrating shrew. Fair enough.

This Is Hardly Fair
Madonna and Sarah Jessica Parker are middle-aged. Of course they aren't up to Maxim's standards. Amy Winehouse and Britney Spears are clearly troubled. It's just way too easy to target them. Sandra Oh is probably on the list for being too ethnic or something equally disturbing. Not that I expect

Something That Bothered Me
Did they ever get Mrs. Silverman's corpse back?

I saw this on TV when I was younger. I don't remember it being that weird. Children are resilient, I guess.

My Apologies, but…
I am proud of my orgins.

Jessica Alba Stare, Jessica Alba Dance, Jessica Alba Fall Down
Where I come from, we call that ACTING! Before anyone asks, yes, I come from a middle school play about hillbillies.

Jessica Alba Stare, Jessica Alba Dance, Jessica Alba Fall Down
Where I come from, we call that ACTING! Before anyone asks, yes, I come from a middle school play about hillbillies.

Gay Dumbledore
I'm not sure why I'm so delighted by this news.

The Curious George Killer
That's the worst serial killer ever. Also, Abraham Lincoln might've called someone trashy if he was campaigning in the right state.

Patrick Fugit
Oh, I like him.

Fuck Yeah!
See Subject.

Can I Post Under My Own Username Now?
I hope so.