Spencer Hastings

It's a contrivance, but not a flaw. It speaks to the theme of an intricate conspiracy being thrown awry by chance events outside of the plotters' control.

I believe that's Reggie Nalder in the garden-party scene, as one of the Russian officials. Also, Yen Lo, the mastermind behind the brainwashing, is played by Khigh Dhiegh, a non-Asian actor born "Kenneth Dickerson" who shaved his head, converted to Taoism, and spent his career playing Asian characters, often with a

Also, the review gives the impression that political parties aren't made explicit. The movie clearly names Senator Jordan as a Republican, which means that Iselin is Republican too.

"Judy Holliday beating Bette Davis for the Best Actress award at the 1950 Oscars"

The story works better if Josie is seen as a True Innocent. She and her father are the two morally pure, uncompromised characters, which is why their ultimate fate — and the person who delivers it — is so devastating.

In the remake, the character is African American. Also, she actually pronounces her name the French way ("Oy-gen-ay"), whereas Leigh said "You-jenny" (despite the "crazy French pronunciation" line!).

"between that and Chinatown, John Huston was my go-to mental image of creepy old rich white fuck for a long long time"

I love John McGiver. His son, Boris McGiver, is a contemporary actor who's had recurring roles on House of Cards and Person of Interest.

Pauline Kael drew attention to that joke.

You sound like a typical mansplainer.

So, have we declared him an exception to "Anti-Stratfordians are horrible, classist snobs", then?

Isn't that exactly what Tom Hardy (and, arguably, Christian Bale) did this year?

That would also have been true of Stallone, if he had won, thanks to Party at Kitty and Stud's.


Based on the green-screened zoom in to Sudeikis, it's very unlikely he was in the studio at all.

Oddly, two of the screenwriters of It's Pat acted in Pulp Fiction (the third is Jim Emerson, of the Scanners), and Quentin Tarantino contributed to the script uncredited.

So is it now the official line that anyone who uses Reddit, in any form whatsoever, is anti-feminist?

Questions are a burden to others; answers, a prison for oneself.

Random thoughts:

Nice dodge, but if she was only representing '90s era Rachel, why did she have a baby? Huh? HUH????????