Spencer Hastings

I like how it took a whole day for someone to point out that the first words out of David's mouth at the end were, "Thanks to the 1975, Ben Stiller …." This whole thread is MOOOOOOOOT!!! MOOT, I SAY!

BoShek Horseman

Great movie, lots of classic jokes.

Whereas she was in love with Brian De Palma.

How did I miss that on first read?? You're absolutely right.

That one works almost too well.

Pedantic note: Michael J Fox never won an Emmy for TGW.

So, Sherlock goes to interrogate someone at their workplace. Without solid evidence against them, he flat-out informs their boss, for no real reason, that they are the subject of a police murder investigation.

I thought Little Rock when I watched the episode, but as some FB friends of mine pointed out, Atlanta is a state capital, it's home to the Carter library, and Carter established the MLK National Historic Site. One could argue that the founding of the SCLC in 1957 (in Atlanta's Ebenezer Church, now part of the MLK

I'm still waiting for "WTF is …?"

"And he also seems to have thought it largely died out in 1869 (or maybe just pretended to for the story)."

Square One TV did a version/spoof of And Then There Were None which basically gave away the plot. There's also a Bollywood version (the same movie Thora Birch watches at the beginning of Ghost World).

What was even worse was the "with talent" part. Are we supposed to believe that actual cheerleaders don't have any talent?

And here my first thought was that the clue had been structured specifically to include Collins.

Red Pill are anti-feminists, right? On the one hand, this episode reads as pretty sexist against women for the reasons stated above. On the other, the references to "a war we must lose" and the male victims being nasty and deserving it—not to mention a bunch of women outsmarting Sherlock—don't read like something

Holmes's deductions are upside down. There's no logical reason to conclude that Lady Carmichael must have been in on it (once on assumes a nigh-omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent women's society, they could have done it with or without her help). On the other hand, granting that she did do it, it's hardly an

My subjective evaluations:

something something Rumpole of the Bailey

The thing is, Miss Universe actually is a really big deal in Colombia.