Spencer Hastings

Like the above poster, I feel bad defending the "integrity" of a pageant, but … it's just not true that the scoring is arbitrary. It is subjective, but it is not "arbitrary" in the sense of being unrelated to performance. A contestant who trips and falls, for instance, will always score lower than one who pulls off

According to Wikipedia, Bob Barker grew up on a Sioux reservation.

"Eidetic memory is not a thing that actually exists."

Bill Prady wrote that MWC episode (as I noted above), so think of it as an homage.

There have been dozens of comments about that Married … with Children episode so far … and yet none note that it was written by BBT co-creator Bill Prady!

So, I watched this after reading the blurb in the "worst of the year" list, because it sounded trainwreck-intriguing. It is, indeed, a horrible movie with few if any redeeming features. D'Angelo's description of the ending is literally correct as well. But his statement about the implication of the ending is way

Those of us who watched Mathnet as children will never forget him as Peeved ("I'm a little ticked off myself"), the terrifying court stenographer-turned-valet who turned out to be the villain in the massively creepy (if you're a kid) spoof of Agatha Christie's And Then There Were None.

As in "Stapff Infection"?

Haha, that was a very polite reply to my obnoxious comment. Always glad to see another Black Sunday fan!

"And given that this is the only action-suspense movie in Lehman's filmography"

downstairs, or upstairs?

This is actually why many depressed people don't become suicidal (or at least, aren't in serious risk of suicide) until they first start taking antidepressants.

"He was so awesomely beautiful that girls would faint whenever he looked at them. His beauty was so overwhelming that he had to hide his face behind a white mask."

She was pretty terrible on Scrubs. But WHAS: First Day of Camp went a long way toward redeeming her.

She was pretty terrible on Scrubs. But WHAS: First Day of Camp went a long way toward redeeming her.

What are you talking about?? She knocks the first Devil clean out when it goes for her in the shower. She had a really, really long opportunity to unmask it at that point.

As much as I loved Caitlin, Alicia was right that Martha was the better hire. She must have been talented if Canning snapped her up even after hiring season was over and she was "damaged goods," and while Caitlin turned out to be a good lawyer too, the firm's investment in her was almost completely wasted. (Of

It's not a misuse. "Begging the question" does mean what you say in the realm of philosophy/rhetoric, but the rest of the time there's nothing wrong with using it to mean "asking for the question," which is its literal meaning. It's like words like "normal" or "work" in physics; it has a specific meaning within a

THANK. YOU. The phrase is used completely correctly in the article.

It was about a man being asked to guest on a fictionalized version of Your Show of Shows, which was a popular 90-minute variety show that aired on NBC on Saturday nights in the 1950s. Indeed, much of the film is set (and, I think, shot) in the 30 Rock building. So, in a way … yes?