Spencer Hastings

Everybody doesn't hate Ed Flanders

When did people start using "eidetic memory" as synonymous with "photographic memory"? Eidetic memory is just for visual images, and has nothing to do with superior episodic or semantic memory. And while photographic memory doesn't exist, eidetic memory exists only in kids. So just say "photographic memory" if

It's nearly word-for-word from Glengarry Glen Ross.

Yes, but to be also fair, people only make this allowance for shows they like. On, say, The Big Bang Theory, it is automatically assumed that any statements made by the main characters can be critiqued as though they represent the show's point of view.

Next year, he better be Roger Ebert.

Considering that a major character is British, it would not have been a stretch at all to work that phrase into the script of the episode.

Me too, but shouldn't we discuss The Hobbit in a different forum?

Upvoted for "Greg Lee"

Yeah, posting a "correction" that's about as factually incorrect as the original is wonderful trollbait.

I'm amazed it's been 4 days and no one's informed you that it's a paraphrase of one of Peter O'Toole's lines from My Favorite Year.

Jost himself has made a very similar joke ("I don't wanna buy clothing; I wanna see those women rescued by Liam Neeson") on a previous WU.

Her Georgetown commencement address was an instant classic.

She wants a coop on top of a co-op.

It's also a Scream move (Barrymore in the movie, Bella Thorne in the recent series).

"If there’s a bone to pick with Hand Of God—which I maintain isn’t thoughtful enough about religion to get worked up over—it’s that there’s no counter to the idea that religion is home to only charlatans and the broken."

"it still means that he waits until Pernell falls asleep (after Pernell has tied Josh to a chair to keep him safe) and then sneaks Josh out of the apartment past the sleeping judge. Without Josh calling out when a crazy stranger kidnaps him. And without Pernell waking up. "

No, that was Peter Graves, not Peter Lupus.

And Denis Leary.

Person of Interest shakes things up radically as it goes along.