Spencer Hastings

Veronica Mars belongs on that list.

Actually, I'm pretty sure Julia Roberts was the star of Eat, Barf, Profit.

Even more disappointed that he chose to guest on House's time-slot partner Bones.

The AV Club

That really was Paul Newman saying, "I'm telling you the same thing I told Redford: It ain't happening!"

One of the creators of Damages has the same first and last name as one of the creators Blue's Clues. Sadly, not the same guy.

Also, the Jessica Harper who does children's music? She's the same person as the '70s movie star.

Maybe you heard about his role in Carrie and confused it with that?

Nazis were just as much of a potential threat in 1935 as 1936. Also, considering the part of the world where the movie was set, it would have been plausible to make a sequel without Nazis.

The thing is that there are other famous people named Paul Williams (including a member of the Temptations), so there is potential for a Type II facepalm. But that Paul Williams really has done so many random things: child actor, voice ofThe Penguin, singer-songwriter, producer for Daft Punk, villain of Phantom of

The Faculty?

It's fascinating how James Mason played an American (once a high school football star, apparently!) in Bigger Than Life without changing his accent one iota.

Technically, one of Mahoney's parents was from Ireland, but yes, @avclub-a9cbc68f9df45c53d7cd75191626bcdf:disqus is otherwise right.

Writer, producer, AND director!

It happened to a friend of mine.

Alternatively, he could use up one of the vetos on something pleasant but that he can't complete due to a minor inconvenience (e.g. his car's in the shop, no one else will let him borrow one), and thus not have it around when the hammer drops.

It has, though.

He was quite good on the underrated Bad Teacher, which aired just last year.

She probably means the Hollywood movie, not the US sitcom (nor the Tommy Wiseau sitcom pilot, for that matter).