Spencer Hastings

I don't remember Travolta being in that. IMDb says he was an extra.

He actually does hypnotize his class every year. I've been hypnotized twice by him (the first time was more successful).

There actually is an upcoming movie about the Milgram experiment that, like this one, played this year's Sundance.

Jack Cassidy circa 1970 would have been perfect.

The only one I recognized (I'm not a big MTV viewer) was Awkward's Ashley Rickards.

Oh, wow.

Yes, I saw it shortly before having lunch with its director, Peter Medak, about 10 years ago. (It was made in the '90s and starred real-life twins; Jeremy Irons was not involved.)

True, although they aren't genetically related (different father, different mother). Troian did play McGee's sister on NCIS, though.

wtf is showtime lol

It does help that there was only party in power during that show's entire run.

If she served less than two years of her predecessor's term, she can serve two full terms without running afoul of the 22nd Amendment.

Sitting incumbents tend to get their party's nomination. It's as close to a law as there is in American politics.

Yes, he's definitely a happy … yuppy? surrounded by sharks.

"You can't convict just because someone might be guilty if there is reasonable doubt. That's the way it works."

I remember when it used to just be patriarchal sexists who found male crying inherently funny.

It was the guy who liked Natalie (and not the guy famous for playing an ad exec on TV).

The line is "and the governor's true," and it absolutely is in the song. You can debate its meaning, but not its existence.

I wonder if that inspired Dennis Potter when he wrote The Singing Detective.

Are you interpreting that line to be an encouragement of rape? Because I feel like there are a number of other, more benign interpretations that Occam's Razor would favor.

I don't think you can blame the movie for popularizing a rhetorical device that was then used by objectionable parties. Especially since that device has already been well-known in Western culture for thousands of years (Plato's Allegory of the Cave, anyone?).