Spencer Hastings

As I said above, assume prescription bottles labeled with the name of an antidepressant.

Was I the only one who heard Amy's line about antidepressants?  I'm pretty sure it was used prescription bottles.

Ladies and gentlemen, Best Actress in a Comedy Series!

Claire Skinner?  She's brilliantly hilarious in Outnumbered (and yes, gorgeous as well).

Airplane 2 wasn't funnier than the first, but it was really funny.  And the guy who made it later made the (Canadian) Newsroom!

Don't you mean "Don't you mean: "Fuck you, Todd Phillips."?"?

If you watch them by switching back and forth a lot, it would be like Two for the Road.

Much like Gregory's Two Girls.

You've got to be kitten me!

Aside from the JJ Abrams part, that sounds AWESOME.

Aside from the ambiguity of giving him Muslim and Sikh names, despite Muslims and Sikhs being historical enemies extremely unlikely to intermarry.

I will be in that area a lot for the next two months, and then possibly never again in my life.


You must have hated Snakes on a Plane.

I agree with your overall point, but is Krishna Bhanji Ben Kingsley really one of "the most Caucasian people"?

George Harrison was a bit more authentically Indian.

Heh, I know what you mean, but "Khan," being a Muslim name, is very, very far from Sikh.

Woody Allen married Soon-Yi in 1997.  He divorced his previous wife in 1969 or 1970.  I'm not even sure Soon-Yi had been born at the time.