Spencer Hastings

Yes, her speaking out loud was foolish, and yes, the idea of hardened militiamen drinking tea is amusing, but are you questioning the logic?  Because as far as I can tell it's sound.

That scene was genuinely funny.  I wouldn't be surprised if it singlehandedly raised the grade to D.

Hmm, father figure gunned down by a small-time crook, future hero (as a boy) fails to stop the crook, then later tracks down the crook and causes his death?  That's the backstory of a recent cinematic superhero, all right, but it ain't Batman.

Yes, she popped up on The Closer right after the Madoff incident.  To be precise, negative three years after.

I don't think "chauvinistically" means what Rabin thinks it means.

Barbara Bain ftw

They're sicker on the inside.

I can think of two things wrong with that joke.

I still think Detention is the best hybrid of The Breakfast Club and a serial-killer movie.

"I'll always remember him as my Art History TA." - some undergraduate

Always nice to see a fellow Cardinal/Trojan celebrated, but I suspect that that link to Allison Schroeder's IMDb page should actually go to Ryan Shiraki's — since, unlike her, he actually DID direct episodes of Awkward. and Berger.  Also, unlike her, he is "a guy."

I don't think he quite managed to steal Titanic away from that whole "sinking boat" thing.

Where's Louis Cyphre when you need him?

It started (at least in Hollywood) with The Three Stooges' Moe (aka Moses Horwitz, noted non-Gentile).

How many good movies has Lou Gossett Jr. been in?

Speaking of parallels, didn't Hank Williams do a song called, "If the South had won, we'd be better off"?

I appreciate what you're trying to do, @avclub-bca3531762af8a993c4f60c48fd5e33b:disqus , but purely in rhetorical terms I have to point out that "They're your countrymen, so you have a duty to help them out" isn't actually a counterargument to "Why didn't we let them secede?"  The question you're answering isn't "Why

Except that they weren't rebelling over slavery.  Indeed, one of the leaders of the rebellion was John C. Fremont, noted first Presidential candidate of the anti-slavery Republican party.

The one on the movie about an obsessed taxi driver actually worked really well, but clearly that was just a case of a stopped clock being right

Will Ferrell
Adam Sandler