Spencer Hastings

29.  I saw a few eps of her show in syndication, but my first exposure to her was watching an episode of Get Smart she was on, with my father (who explained who she was).

In "A Scandal in Bohemia," Watson writes of Holmes, "The stage lost a fine actor … when he became a specialist in crime."  Holmes says something nearly identical about Bell in this episode.

So you guys realize that

Henry Fool ftw

That's pretty cool, but it should be noted that Get Smart, Again! did a very similar joke back in 1989, so it's not that timely.

There's only one HipsterDBag.  Don't try to be him if you're not him.

Helen Hayes or GTFO

That's true; there were also the Asian kid and the talking dogs.

Somehow, Alison has become my second favorite Brie on this show.

Yes, Ted Bundy's death row pen pal was James Dobson.

It's my father's maxim!

They left out Jack quoting Malice in his list of sins ("… said 'I am God' during a deposition").

Isn't PBS programming an hour long for an hour slot, since they don't air commercials?  I haven't watched it in a while.  (And it's definitely airing on PBS — the station they mentioned is Scranton's actual PBS affiliate.)

Interestingly, the actress who played Pam's sister played Mindy's previous best friend (who's now been written out).

Someone's never seen Chronicle of a Summer.

And there's a second twist, which is that Carrie is actually after Jack's job.

"although that may not be immediately evident if you're a dude"

@avclub-b0dae075785888267fc19871f3e7dab7:disqus : Just?  That's been his shtick as far back as I can remember.

He also didn't direct The Shining (that was Mick Garris).

Are you seriously calling a list of Ebert's favorite movies irrelevant to a pop culture website's discussion of Ebert's life and influence?  I know you're a troll, but don't trolls usually make at least a little sense?