Spencer Hastings

Boy, those A7X fans are pretty witty.

Check again.  He gave it 3.5 stars.

"The female characters could do with beefing up"

Someone once told me that when they read my movie reviews, they hear them in Ebert's voice.  I took it as a great compliment.

Huh, I own that one, but haven't listened to the commentary.  I wonder if I have it with me ….

She also does the pier-stand in House of Sand and Fog.

I try to tell you but all I can say is just

You left out that Ebert did a quick Google and listed a couple journalistic awards that Goldstein HAD won.

I feel like such a sap for finding this funny.

It's so weird to see Valli only in this and then in the Dario Argento films (Suspiria and Inferno) where she looks quite a bit … different.

What else would you consider an ethnicity that's meaningful but can't be considered a racial classification?  I can't think of any offhand.  I think it's just a reflection of the fact that Latinos are considered a significant cultural group but can't really be classified along traditional racial lines.

Is that Genevieve Koski on the left in the picture above?

I could get kicked in the balls by Juno Temple all day.

Does Demolition Man have the world's most random cast or what?  Everyone from Nigel Hawthrone and Andre Gregory to Denis Leary and Jack Black to Jesse Ventura and Rob Schneider.

Danny Boyle movies have a way of falling apart at the end (see also: 28 Days Later), but in Shallow Grave, unlike Sunshine, the sloppy ending didn't ruin what came before.

You've seen Running on Empty, right?

Lots of Even Stevens fans grew up to be Hollywood producers.

Tony Scott directed Spy Game, not Redford.

You know, he wasn't always fat.  He was originally a prince.