Spencer Hastings

That's not what Emma Thompson said on QI.

Gregory's Girl was a tremendous movie, though.

Hey, don't talk about evolving beyond something!  You're contributing to scientific illiteracy!

"they’re shrugged off more easily when they don’t involve the leader of the free world and a top Cabinet member'

I really hope Black Sunday shows up this week in this feature.

I hate Illinois Nazis.

True story: That name was coined by Nobel laureate Leon Lederman, also the founder (and scholar-in-residence) of my high school.

Film aside, "Paycheck" is a pretty cool story (albeit indebted to the myth of Perseus).

Like Dillinger, he'll be pickled in the Smithsonian.

The sign on the door:
"No shoes, no shirt, no service"
Nothing about pants

Note that the exact same defense could be used to justify Leno "forcing out" Carson … yet it never is.

Bobby … Riggs … Battle of the Sexes … there's something there, but I can't quite put my finger on it.

You make her sound like Bella Swan.

They actually derived a mathematically sound theorem showing that it was possible, just for the show.

Kevin or GTFO

I think the plan was that once Claire found out that other people were being killed in (/with) her name, she would come out of hiding.

when you someone with a trident

I feel like the people who write this show were heavily influenced by the urban-legend version of the Kitty Genovese murder, without realizing that most real-life incidents don't play out like that.

Not to be a smart-ass, but wouldn't "Day Night Night Day" be a title more suggestive of opposing halves?