Spencer Hastings

"a technophile rebel who builds his own gear with the help of his Silicon Valley gearhead pals"
"a gruff-but-plucky guy who could be plopped down anywhere and get the job done"

Imagine if The Sketch Show had become a hit on FOX.  Chloe would be a weird, unpopular character who left 24 permanently in early S4.  Kaitlin Olson would never be Sweet Dee, Malcolm Barrett would never be Lem, and Paul F. Tompkins would be a household name.

She could always join her father in co-hosting King of the Nerds.

Dudek and Rajskub yes, but not so much Fischer.  The latter belongs in "Three Sisters" with Amy Adams and Kristen Wiig.  Isla Fisher could be a cousin perhaps.

Alternatively, her Pam would be a Cut-Throat Bitch.

Tell your old man to drag Louie Anderson and Rudy Huxtable up and down the diving board for 48 minutes!

Look, he's out there bustin' his butt EVERY WEEK!

"Pam, we don't have time for your personality disorder."

Fassbender is German and Irish, not British.

Ooh, what a burn

"He was talking to Diane about how his board wanted a partner to be deeply involved and was just about to say how since his company just loved Cary, so maybe if HE was a partner…"

Yeah, a lot of respectable Irish families have donated to organizations that have IRA ties.

I had my money on them being from the planet Twillo.

Will he use Tim Hunter as a front?

I remember in 11th grade English, our teacher showed us Gothic and A Room With a View back to back.  Two weeks, two instances of Julian Sands nudity.

I think that was just unintentionally ambiguous writing.  I also thought that the mistress said she'd seen the wife on the road.  But looking back, what she actually means is that she couldn't reveal she'd seen anything because that would mean admitting that she was the mistress (which no one seemed to know, except

Marc Warren was excellent on Hustle and in his one-shot appearance on Doctor Who.  He's a brilliant actor and it would be a shame if people held this show against him.


"Probably coincidentally, both of these films co-starred Neve Campbell." Right.  That's what they WANT you to think.

Nice spot.  As much as I love The Red Shoes, I think the most underrated P&P collaboration is A Canterbury Tale.  A beautiful film even for those who don't share its specific faith.