Spencer Hastings

I stopped watching the last couple seasons of the show, but the first movie (post-S2) was terrific.

I wonder if Connery was asked before or after Patrick McGoohan. (Probably after, to keep the tradition going.)

Skyfall ftw

She can claimed that she switched bodies with Harper.

He did a good job selling that he was trying to make amends (but didn't know how).  I was a bit alert to the possibility of a prank, though, if only because of that urban legend about a fraternity giving a sorority donuts that they had previously "worn" on a certain part of their body.

So it sounds you're saying not that Hollywood doesn't make lots of sequels/remakes, but people can easily avoid them.

It's nice to know there are White people who act that way too; it's not just us Asians.

That's true.  Also, it's a bit weird that they think she'll have a BETTER chance with Harvard Admissions as "one of many strong prep school students" rather than the biggest fish in her small Stars Hollow pond.  Harvard loves the latter kind of kids much more than the former (unless they're legacies).

Yeah, big-name Ivies are notoriously prone to grade-inflation.  I also went to a Top 10 school and had enough credits to graduate by the end of my third year (though I chose to study abroad and thus didn't have the necessary core courses in my major — plus I wanted to stay in school!).

or enough "L"s … oh wait, we're not doing the ironic racism thing on this thread, are we?

When I started reading the post, I assume it would reference that Glau was a trained dancer who was cast in a small role in that episode due to her ballet background, which is what started both her acting career and her association with Whedon.

It worked for Charlize Theron!

It will cut you.

They're part Cherokee.

I think you mean, "Like, Tonto."

I got what they were going for, but it could have been phrased better.

Or tell it to E.L. Doctorow, who lost the 2006 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction to Geraldine Brooks' fan-fictiony March.  It might cheer him up.

I don't think they can handle it.