Spencer Hastings

Even I'm starting to think that HDB wasn't trolling.  And if he was, it's remarkable that it's been so successful.

It all comes back to Bellisario.

/s/the Doctor/John Steed

Actually, yes, she does.  Race and ethnicity are counted separately.

Sally Sparrow?

I don't think anyone but you has Asperger's severe enough to leave a comment like that.

Sadly, neither is ginger.

Galt's Gulch?

Would anyone care to guess how Nicole Krauss would describe Philip Roth and his work?

50 Shades of Grey must be very monotonous for them, then.

If only Mike Daisey had made his story a spaghetti Western ….

Everybody Chungking tonight!

So is "Hung Wei Lo" an authentic Chinese name?


China is not governed by reason.

I'm from central Illinois and went to school in the Chicago metro area.  @Scrawler2:disqus  is 100% correct.

I heard the ten-foot Poles were going to sent a rocket to the sun, but they were worried it would be too hot, so they launched it at night!

Yes, we are judging this show's name.  It am silly.

The gavel is my penis.

I abject.