
This film's color palette is quite ugly.


Doug Jones went to my college, and actually filmed a movie on campus around the time Hellboy 2 came out. I know because he came to our small local theater to see the movie when it finally came out, and he's kind of a hard man to miss when he walks into a room.

Because you have horrible taste in television and, thankfully, you are not in charge of Fox's programming schedule.

They both got lines. They went out of their way to bring back as many recurring characters for this episode as they could.

He's the best.

What the hell is UPN?

I want what they have

Electric Love, or GTFO



Maybe Finch wasn't seeing things in the other episode.

I've been that way in the past, but man, this season it's really helping me catch some of the little things they are doing.

I gave it an A-. The great thing is this show is capable of much better episodes, while this episode is better than 98% of all television

Look at who produces Elementary,

On his new show, Samaritan blew up Congress, thus proving that Samaritan is benevolent.

I keep my original prediction: The show ends with a phone running and someone getting numbers.

"Finch, cavities in town are up by 300%. Does Samaritan have some sort of dentistry angle?"
"Maybe the people who think the CIA is listening to their thoughts through their filings were on to something, Mr. Reese."

This is what I love about Person of Interest. What seems to be a standard case-of-the-week episode and instead turns it into a massive mythology building episode. It also was a great case of misdirection—by only showing us the battle counter twice, our minds are subconsciously expected a third return to that shot,…

I came here to post this.