
Thank you, thank you, thank you. These people are 87% idiots. It is too fucking much. I know I'm supposed to have good grace in front of people who are less intelligent than me, but how is that possible when an act of perfection (this show) is the intermediary? To know that THIS is how the show is mostly absorbed, by

That's one moment. Watch the rest again. It is all empty plot machinations, setting things up for the future meaningful plot moments.

No, this one was pretty good. Last weeks was terrible. Get with it.

You loved Skyler this episode? She is finally getting to be a justifiable character to hate and you love her? Didn't you see the way she got EXCITED about expanding her business and how the guilt was gone and how she was wearing white? That should make you feel icky.

How do I bold stuff? Have I ruined anything?

Yeah… kids seeing some non-family member smoke some strange looking cigarette is super damaging to their souls…. what the fuck? You're a parent aren't you? Gross. Get a hold of yourself.

comment deleted. user error.

Oh, because of those breakfast jokes. I get it.

And what a great metaphor for how Hank must have felt upon hearing the news about who W.W. is.

No, no, no. Of course, it has to do with the ricin incident, and of course it's not LITERALLY the same package. They are reminding us, and showing that this plot point is still on the table. Fuck man. Just…fuck…. come on…

Fuck Todd. Jackass.

And it was disgusting. She was wearing white too. She is cocky and getting excited about buying more car washes? Fucking gross. She has forgotten the guilt. Nasty, nasty, nasty.

You thought that was the old Walter White in those first few scenes? I was getting sick hearing him be all cheery, and him wearing white.

Yeah, and Todd Van Der Fuck half-spoiled the reveal with his clumsy writing last week, then came on to the thread and valiantly tried to lie to save his ass and save us from being spoiled, before going on a semi-rant about how he's a professional writer and knows what he is doing. Hehe. Wait, what was your post about?

(Lesson: actors aren't that important. They just need a good script and to not be self-conscious people. That's about it.)

Mad Men is terrible.

Skyler is dead. Fuck. Isn't clever foreshadowing the original spoiler?

It's white. They are clean now. And fuck is it TERRIFYING to see evil Walter in white.

@avclub-3db41011acc2d229176bf6a92202728d:disqus If you want to play that game, then you need Wisdom and Charisma in order to be intelligent.

If anything, OCD is a sign of an overly scientific, autistic-lite bent to your intelligence. Those who have the subtlety of mind to resist that sphere of abstract nerdiness and embrace a more human, socially-historically contextualized intelligence are the types that I usually find to be 'more intelligent'.