
Ugh, so you're not convinced. Gross. I would seriously question my Colbert watching if he lied about that shit, which of course, he didn't. There is a pact between him and the audience about when he is being sincere and when he isn't. But, sweet of you to play the "funny's funny" defense, ignoring that we are humans

Close, they continued to try to defend themselves by saying, "he didn't read our follow-up article where we give evidence!" and "we still don't know for sure if Daft Punk are actually playing at the VMAs. (MTV still hasn't confirmed it.)" It's supposed to be a surprise….. why would they confirm it? Why would someone

@avclub-472d722b57a4ed37e41e70c9c9d7d0f3:disqus Now we're pretending references to snatch eating on a show watched by old ladies isn't filthy? Context bro.

It's one of the dirtiest shows on television. It only seems vaguely smutty. Watch again.

Use Wikipedia. I haven't been on IMDB for years.

This show is incredibly filthy. It just hides behind a laugh track and innuendo. But you should really listen to an episode. Constant references to eating pussy, etc.

Oh sweet innocent @avclub-1d5f36370c7ddcd55c96c2fb6bd11ead:disqus   You have never seen it, there is still tons to hate about it.

……………………….. one needn't …………..

Of course they're implying that. Sweet innocent @avclub-0ae7484a9f3bbd2a21df420050c032ae:disqus  has never seen the show and listened to its sense of humor.

No one who liked this show is a good barometer of taste. Your uncle is a dumbass, just like my parents.

@avclub-b97ca122d91f0a094bbf3f9808f4daf5:disqus awww, you're sentimental about the rotting infrastructure and bankrupt community values!! how entirely ovine!!

@avclub-e0a1578b57e32929a77892fadf0d0b40:disqus Anywhere that isn't a large city is Middle America. That's a perfectly legitimate use of the term.

Oh, that's right!! That movie does have that!! Hah!!! Internet!!!

I know Middle America, and you're absolutely right that physical beauty is all it has going for it. Community ain't shit.

It'd be like visiting these comments sections. "LOL BERAKFAST WALT JR"

Vital to the feel of the show, and as someone to keep secrets from, AGREED. Not vital to the twists and turns of the crime story, AGREED. Calling him a "straight man", AGREED and BRILLIANT. We want him to be more involved in the show and find that he has been underutilized in later seasons, AGREED. We overemphasize

@avclub-236e42b5af241c85d97910f5c1aa6107:disqus Light drug use doesn't cause ODing on the bathroom floor, thus nullifying your complaint with my reductio ad absurdum.

The show was critiquing his libertarianism. Libertarians: "why do we need laws!? Just let people do what they want!" Result: people cooking meth and people getting addicted to it. Someone ODing on the bathroom floor is the reductio ad absurdum of libertarian's view of freedom.

There we go! Some nice writing about Breaking Bad. See how it doesn't have some grand theory, but instead just lightly recasts the events of the series in a new light? AV Club writers take note.

Mordant critical negativity! For shame! Where's my breakfast joke or funny quotation from the series! You seem like a pretty terrible person.