
Good, good, except the only problem with that is that an artwork which is this connected to capital cannot reasonably be given that type of interpretive leeway. I am all for shows embracing the limitations that marketability gives them (take the melodramatic, cartoony plot of Breaking Bad), but we cannot bury our

Women squirting is not a necessary element of sex. A hard cock is. If you want to show cock immediately after sex, then it is necessary for that cock to be hard. It's a matter of physics.

I think that the most egregiously unrealistic thing this show has ever done is when they showed that one dudes penis. We see the character pull out of the girl, and his dick is completely flaccid. HBO are a bunch of fucking prudes and fake rebels - they have a line, and the line is marketability, not artistic


No, that's called Schoenberg. But something tells me you don't listen to Schoenberg. Neither do I. This is all low art rising, and Holland 1945 rises pretty damn high for me.

You mean they ruined something kinda okay?

Uhhh, Amy is a thousand times more hardcore than David. I hope that's what you meant by that comment.


Thomas Friedman = Todd Van Der Woof ?

yes the mugging, gross. i now just watch colbert, but he gets a bit too silly for me at times. what to do.

i mean the disgusting lump sum average of people. what people mean when they say 'you people' about a racial group, but instead of about a racial group, about the real problem: people who conform to conformity because conforming is what one does. i.e. you re-treading a lame joke from the late 90s.

thanks for being over stewart, for real. his chumminess with the audience is too goddamn much. etc.

Wow, I come in here to see what everyone thinks of Tyler the Creator's newest parody of America's relation to black men, and all you people can latch onto is how ridiculous it is. Something tells me that these young fellas knew they were being irreverent and using the materials that their society has given them to be

just wanted to drop in and say this is the worst title for anything ever, all time, top of the top champ. and say hi. hi.

No. I actually enjoyed the first three seasons. It was about the closest television has come to being art. If not sublation, what do you find to be the criteria for aesthetics?

So, the badness was intentional, how convenient for the badness. The problem with this theory is that there is nothing greater than the badness in the episode…. there is no whole, no totality, no amazing-awesome-unity for the badness to move into, like you seem to claim… I mean, perhaps if I could truncate my mind as

Troy's impression of Abed was horrible. He put on an affectation. Contrast that with the Dean's Jeff impression. No affectation, just impression, i.e. pretty good. If you can't see the minor tonal shittiness in this episode, and you're just getting swept away by all the 'fun' to be had, then you never understood what


It'd be an even better sitcom if you had someone like Wong Kar-wai in the background of every shot, muttering "they both kinda suck".

Airbags are designed to be used with seatbelts. Yes, this is false.