
I was thinking this exact thought the other day, but it's really a gift for the song. It was originally written with Buddhism in mind, and now it is associated with this disturbing serial killer dancing around. But, isn't serial killing the end game of Buddhism anyways? If one learns to be reconciled with the world,

@avclub-472d722b57a4ed37e41e70c9c9d7d0f3:disqus Wow, I always am dying to write this kind of response to this kind of thing. Nothing more frustrating than proud and defiant ignorance.


Yeah, I was mad for a split second when he came on screen being oh so terrible ("you fucking egomaniac assho—"), but then I realized that it fit so well. He gets away with lots of stuff because of the aura of Camp that is wafting about. Nothing Campier than having that ugly fucking mug taking you out of the movie,

Yeah, I was mad for a split second when he came on screen being oh so terrible ("you fucking egomaniac assho—"), but then I realized that it fit so well. He gets away with lots of stuff because of the aura of Camp that is wafting about. Nothing Campier than having that ugly fucking mug taking you out of the movie,

I had never heard the term "Jimmy" used for a slave before and I actually found that way more degrading and insulting. Must be cuz it was fresh and new.

I had never heard the term "Jimmy" used for a slave before and I actually found that way more degrading and insulting. Must be cuz it was fresh and new.

Platonic epistemology to folksy magical realism….you're really swinging for the fences on this one…. is it necessary?

Platonic epistemology to folksy magical realism….you're really swinging for the fences on this one…. is it necessary?

That was a sad line.

That was a sad line.

You should save the word 'genius' for the best of things, not the best of the worst of things. You'll thank me later when you avoid the massive hyperbole inflation from crashing down all around you.

You should save the word 'genius' for the best of things, not the best of the worst of things. You'll thank me later when you avoid the massive hyperbole inflation from crashing down all around you.

I suffered through one of Pollack's live podcasts with that girlfriend. It was rough.

I suffered through one of Pollack's live podcasts with that girlfriend. It was rough.

Listen man, I can only say it so many times. You are the stuff of your world. He wasn't given the resources to overcome the bullshit of his high school years. That's what makes him interesting. Racists and sexists are still people too, which is the entire point of watching him. You come to love and find hilarious a

Listen man, I can only say it so many times. You are the stuff of your world. He wasn't given the resources to overcome the bullshit of his high school years. That's what makes him interesting. Racists and sexists are still people too, which is the entire point of watching him. You come to love and find hilarious a

I agree. As a stand up, not so hot. I liked the peak moments of Elephant in the Room a lot, but it sure as fuck took a lot of awkward shit to get to those peaks. I know the man from Opie and Anthony, etc. Much better presentation of him.

I agree. As a stand up, not so hot. I liked the peak moments of Elephant in the Room a lot, but it sure as fuck took a lot of awkward shit to get to those peaks. I know the man from Opie and Anthony, etc. Much better presentation of him.

Uhhh, he's a big black guy who died of eating like shit. America killed him and he was of his world enough to let America kill him. I listen to him to see what culture can do to a person and what a person can do to resist. All you are doing is referencing the fact that he's different then you. Yeah, he's a massive