
A bit of heterodoxy goes a long way. Lay off the ether man.

Well, problem number one, you're trying to "get it". It's an emotional, visceral experience with a very loose structure of things to "get"/intellectualize. The movie is 10% thought and 90% feeling. The thoughts are there to guide the feelings into the right place. It's not a fucking essay.

Well, problem number one, you're trying to "get it". It's an emotional, visceral experience with a very loose structure of things to "get"/intellectualize. The movie is 10% thought and 90% feeling. The thoughts are there to guide the feelings into the right place. It's not a fucking essay.

David Lean is extremely underrated.

David Lean is extremely underrated.

It's the only purely comedic movie that is as well-layered and intricately-made as the highest peaks of dramatic movies. I can say this because Tati is more lighthearted funny then the type of comedy I'm talking about. And then everything else that is as well-made is pretty much dramedy. That's where all of Preston

It's the only purely comedic movie that is as well-layered and intricately-made as the highest peaks of dramatic movies. I can say this because Tati is more lighthearted funny then the type of comedy I'm talking about. And then everything else that is as well-made is pretty much dramedy. That's where all of Preston

Dude, what? Most of A Clockwork Orange can easily be read as a very dark comedy. Malcolm McDowell gives an electrifying and hilarious performance. (Check out him being fed by a government official near the end if you want to die laughing.)

Dude, what? Most of A Clockwork Orange can easily be read as a very dark comedy. Malcolm McDowell gives an electrifying and hilarious performance. (Check out him being fed by a government official near the end if you want to die laughing.)

Dude, Sour Grapes is pretty awesome. I mean, sure, the acting from the main characters is terrible, but I still think the movie stands up, WHICH IS INSANE. It's a great, wacky, very Seinfeldian script. And there is this one scene in the movie that is a police officer interviewing a cute old couple that, as a

Dude, Sour Grapes is pretty awesome. I mean, sure, the acting from the main characters is terrible, but I still think the movie stands up, WHICH IS INSANE. It's a great, wacky, very Seinfeldian script. And there is this one scene in the movie that is a police officer interviewing a cute old couple that, as a

Yeah, but the entire scene is done in one take. One conversation at the starting point, long pan through the cityscape, then another conversation at the end point. That actually is a very tough shot to accomplish and was extremely well-executed. Were you picking up on the themes the shot was highlighting? Or were you

Yeah, but the entire scene is done in one take. One conversation at the starting point, long pan through the cityscape, then another conversation at the end point. That actually is a very tough shot to accomplish and was extremely well-executed. Were you picking up on the themes the shot was highlighting? Or were you

That's a very keen observation about the way we use language. You are smart.

@Scrawler2:disqus Yeah that's true. The tug between allegiances definitely was a huge characteristic of the movie. (SPOILER-SPOILER-SPOILER) I loved that right after you found out Jean Reno might be slightly racist, he dies and you get some sweet scenes with his kids to pull you back into his grip. And what I was

You'd be right to say that the Matt Damon plot, and perhaps the whole 'coming-into-my-sexuality' plot, doesn't feel as finished as other elements of the movie. But, as a whole, the movie is not a mess in the slightest bit. The best part of this movie is that it feels 'loose' and 'rambling' and 'slice-of-life' (which

You'd be right to say that the Matt Damon plot, and perhaps the whole 'coming-into-my-sexuality' plot, doesn't feel as finished as other elements of the movie. But, as a whole, the movie is not a mess in the slightest bit. The best part of this movie is that it feels 'loose' and 'rambling' and 'slice-of-life' (which

You're committing "bad faith" by trying to pin Lisa down like that. People are more than what they are. They are free. They transcend the set of facts about them. That's just a true fact about the human condition, from the perspective of humans. We can't be objectified so easily and to do so is to lie to oneself about

Nice! You are my best friend then.

I want to support this movie so badly, but fuck that shit. The extended cut is on torrent sites.