
Why do I feel the Fringe reference is the highlight of the film…here's one for the nerds!

Valid points, albeit Errand of Mercy would have been my choice for the GLB rather than Squire and is also in season 1.

Valid points, albeit Errand of Mercy would have been my choice for the GLB rather than Squire and is also in season 1.

You're too kind. The Squire of Gothos is possibly be the worst TOS episode. I can't believe it could be included in anyone's list of top 10 episodes.

You're too kind. The Squire of Gothos is possibly be the worst TOS episode. I can't believe it could be included in anyone's list of top 10 episodes.

I thought that same thing too (i.e. why take the time to save Astrid when the whole universe is going to die anyway), but then attributed this as a way for Bell to actually dispense with his henchmen. Having his men take her away from the warehouse enabled him to take off on the ark without them. (A Rip Riley ruse, as

Actually, in the new 3D version, Greedo and Han will be holding flashlights….

Peter's Son
Anyone else thinking that it might not be Peter in those blueprint images of the device but rather Peter and Fauxlivia's?