critic critic critic

And if they are pulled over every 20 miles, then they're "Wong"!

Bosnia's ruler and namesake is a blond with a crew-cut!

As an impartial bystander, it falls to me to adjudicate this dispute. Drum roll, please…

Thor 5: Free Thor

I once trolled the Internet in my pajamas!

She's Thor? Big deal — hith penith fell off!

Does this mean I get a gender reassignment? I'll pass.

By a coincidence whose funniness can only be detected by coordinated arrays of the latest and most expensive instruments, I am eating ham with a Hun in the den right now.

Let's say perversions of justice then.

Never let it be said that you oppose blaming victims. Anyhow, one of the accused had a record a fraction as bad as the accuser's — at the time, that is, not after she went to prison for murder. The Duke lacrosse case was ridiculous from the start, and that's given what was widely known, not just what the DA knew but

Black labeo shark? Mexican hornshark? You're missing an opportunity to be racist and educational!

Serious metacriticism addresses the criticism itself, not the author. This piece forms a neat bookmark with Uwe Boll's commentary in demonstrating exactly how not to do it.

Polywater… want… a… cracker…