conor c.

Wallace Stevens picked a fight with Hemingway, and Hemingway ended up kicking his ass.

I'm not sure I can rank moral behavior that easily (rape or assault, lalala which is worse?); again, I'm not justifying Lennon's failings, but I understand them. And I never said his childhood justified his beating women, but it shows a cycle of inner pain expressing itself as violence to others, which is fucking sad

Schwarzenbach should really do long-form writing, I'm not sure why he hasn't at least tried his hand at it (that I know of). Cryptic/weird Facebook posts can only go so far.

That made it the least punk lyric ever. Some of us have a negative attitude on cops, sue me, Darnielle.

"Nowhere Man" and "Ob-La Dee" are my least favorite Beatles songs and though both have strong melodies, each reflects their respective songwriters individual weaknesses - the first is uber-preachy and sounds shallow, while the latter is incredibly annoying and trite.

Lennon was a prick but (though I won't make excuses for physical violence towards women) he's a prick whose perceived abandonment by his parents and mother's early death made him lash out at anyone who could ever hurt him or get to him in some way. I'm not saying he wasn't arrogant or selfish, but it was based on deep

Most of the Yoko hate in my opinion is based on a combination of blatant racism, hatred of "weird music", and misogyny. Not saying Ono's a saint (I do think Lennon was too blunt about bringing her in the studio), but she's been shit on for years with almost nothing to back it.

His cameo in The Simpsons Movie was really funny. "Hey America, if you see me on the street..please leave me alone."

He actually popped up in Up In The Air and All The Real Girls (though he's pretty much just funny in the latter).

Neither Elizabeth or Cece individually forced Schmidt to choose - Elizabeth figures out what Cece meant by "I want to be with someone else", Cece apologizes to her, and they both realize that Schmidt has to choose between them. Elizabeth brought it up first, actually. So LEAVE CECE ALONE GOD

I sincerely think he didn't mean to hurt anyone, but yeah, he was a coward and a liar. Its funny cause in the pilot Schmidt's problem was that he was emasculated at work (in the montage of "issues these guys have, guess who the kooky roommate is wholl fix them, look its Jess!"), but the series seems to have taken on

I felt sorry for him in that he clearly had never met a woman before Virginia who hadn't associated sex with love or intimacy. He's an asshole and obnoxious (not to mention a guy who hits women), but I had empathy for his confusion and heartbreak. At the very least, his subplot last week put the theme of sex and its

So many bad movies that I have skipped and just found the good stuff of on YouTube.

I really loved that movie when it first came out (I was around 10). Great acting.

Remus is not pleased with his wife.

Someone should do Undercover for it.

He's going to be very popular.

Great song. The weird low pitched giggles at the end make it especially off-putting. My favorite Jt song is still "Lovestoned" though, followed closely by "Pusher Love Girl".

Their first album is pretty sick.

"This will really cut into my carbs…but I just don't give a shit."