conor c.

Damn, I'm enjoying all the Shakespeare discussion. Can the AV Club become a giant Shakespeare fansite now? (For your consideration: Richard III is one of the first self-aware and post modern anti-heroes, Year of Flops: King John). And Tom Hiddleston is cool. Very nice job as Fitzgerald in Midnight in Paris as well.

Has Penn heard "Love Me, I'm a Liberal"?

Wait, he wrote Paris Texas? My respect for him just increased tenfold.

I like Supersoaker a lot; I mean shit, it just sounds kind of pretty and sweet.

AVC is dead on - best performance Brad Pitt has ever given. The scene where he breaks down after beating the kid is haunting in a very disquieting movie.

Rockwell mentioning how they wrote the script as it went along definitely gives a hint as to why it feels so overstuffed. He is pretty fun though.

I actually have no memory of which version of The Stand. Either way, I'm sure it's awesome - that and Salem's Lot (and curiously Pet Sematery) are his best.

One of his best moments is in season 1 when he turns on the D'alessio brothers for laughing at him behind his back. Mickey's goofy but there's clearly a very cunning middle-man underneath the giggle.

Ben Whishaw actually looks uncannily like his royal portrait.

My Renaissance Lit teacher has a plausible theory that Bolingbroke is a strong Machiavellian figure; then again, she thinks Horatio is too (which is crazy).

One of the things I love about delving into Shakespeare is recognizing on your own why some plays are more popular than others, like Richard II really not having a lot of onstage action and Titus Andronicus having absolutely ridiculous plot holes. Coriolanus seems like it will receive its due more often; it's uncanny

I felt as though it showed Aumerle being a pragmatist, not an idealist; he goes with who has real power.

I was pleasantly surprised, this movie is pretty easy to love. I think Lurhmann works a lot better if his giant gaudy thing isn't taken seriously or is guilty pleasure level, hence why his directing Gatsby makes little sense (not that the novel is really easy or even possible to film at all).

I'm not sure why, but I always remember when she says (something like) "You don't think I can play 25? I can plaaaaayy 25."

Am I right or am I right?

To be fair, having a complete psychopath is fine for a two hour movie, not for a tv series that requires character development to work. You could argue that Harrow finding surrogate families in the Darmodys and the Thompsons made him feel human connection again for the first time since the war.

I wasn't a huge fan of Nigel's subplot, but it does extend the show's basic theme - no one knows anyone - and extends it to the self as well.

I don't feel like giving money to Target, so solid.

Winston's pure, insane glee over his pranks in the season finale was hilarious. "I couldn't stop it even if I wanted to." Damn it, so many good Winston lines.

To be fair, a white woman lying that a black man raped her is blatantly racist.