conor c.

I thought he was good in Dogma (though it's been a long time).

"I'll send my diamond dogs after him."

One of the weirdest things on the Berlin Trilogy, and that includes Breaking Glass (You're such a wondehful per-son/But you've got prob-lems/WHOA HO HO HO)

According to David Buckley, Brian Eno was once seen in a theater openly laughing at it.

I've heard Neil Young's 80s work is some of his best stuff, though I'm not a fan (I acknowledge his great talent, not into his voice).

Niles Rodger's singles with Bowie have a tricky tension between the music (artificial, chilly funky pop) and the lyrics, which are usually kind of desperate and personal, especially "China Girl".

The harlequin character getting harassed by his mother as he walks stoically alongside her always makes me laugh.

I would rank David Bowie within the top five pop artists of all time, and overall I'd say he's my favorite artist - from about 1969 to 1983, Bowie made good to great, often staggeringly ambitious and brilliant albums, and from around 76 to 80 made music that could be called groundbreaking. And he was never a model -

I think that Let's Dance doesn't get a fair shake (and as M. Ward's cover revealed, the title song is surprisingly beautiful), although I find Modern Love pretty annoying.

They're decent at best, but "Kiss Me Deadly" is a surprisingly sweet, touching punk ballady song (and probably the first one to try to combine the two). Aaron Cometbus has a great part in his zine on touring with Green Day where he talks about dancing with them to it.

He just played it on stage in New York with Alex Kingston as his Lady (it sounded awesome). If you want a great recent version, Patrick Stewart's was great.

Can some AV Clubber do an article on how much Forrest Gump sucks? Not for any decent reason, just so we could all concur on what a bullshit movie it is.

Yep. This came way before Forrest Gump, and it's a much better movie.

I thought that was kind of the point of The Social Network.

You might like Junky if you want Burroughs with less blatant sodomy and erotic asphyxiation.

Whenever I read about Bruce's personal life, I'm always surprised that he dropped out of college because he didn't fit in with anyone, and sat alone most of the time playing guitar. Looking forward to reading it.

There's dead fucking puppies in there too. McCarthy loves dead baby animals in general.

Just picked up my sister's copy of The White Tiger by Aravind Adiga and liking it. This morning, I finished a compilation of Robert Burns and The Anarchist Collectives by Sam Delgoff (which is a decent compiling of Delgoff and Spanish anarchists writing on anarchism in the Spanish Civil War). On a roll.

I didn't like Portnoy's Complaint at first, but I kept laughing at bits and pieces until I finally embraced it. Just finished American Pastoral in a three day rush.

I read Severed Alliance, which I liked, but this sounds really good. Thinking of picking up Rogan's biography of Van Morrison, but I don't want to read 500 pages of "He's an asshole."