conor c.

I have autism and depression (as a direct result of how Asbergers will make you feel at a party if you are on the side of the spectrum that makes you "normal", but jusssstt not "normal" enough), and yeah I had a few beefs with how SLP treats mental illness towards the end, but the first two acts are good at making

Awwwww man, Richie going through the meat grinders at Satriale's-Chrissy just says, "Ugh, I'm not eating here for awhile."

I do like the way different people narrate Casino depending on whos in the scene, then Pesci's narration ends with an "Yow!" just as he gets hit with a shovel.

Ebert quoted Scorsese as saying its one of the most violent movies hes ever made and I agree. The emotions and tensions are all bristling under the surface.


Oddly, the BTAS crew said they never wrote too many Riddler episodes because they couldn't come up with enough riddles or stories! He's a tough cookie.

This makes me want to see the movie-nice job, Mike, you made me remember to pick up where I left off with Robert Altman (I think I last watched The Long Goodbye, which is fucking awesome, although McCabe and Mrs. Miller is the one etched into my skull, and deserves a Scenic Routes for the incredible MILD SPOILERS

I still think Redford could have made a great Gatsby (heh) but I think the director just fucked up the whole damn movie. There has to be a reason Redford, Waterston and Farrow all just sucked so bad…Dern was good though.

I think Maguire could pull it off: he actually plays a somewhat similar role in Pleasantville (albeit as a teenager): a guy excited and overjoyed by finding his fantasy world, then slowly disillusioned and able to see as a false reality. He's also so weird and fucked up in The Wonder Boys that I think he could pull

The Redford one should have been great, but awful performances (except for Bruce Dern as Tom, who finds the right note for him and stays with it), line readings, and direction fuck it up. I actually think Goldman was right in saying that the director just didn't understand the book (why, oh god why, would the parties

Hannibal exits, pursued by cancel bear.

just to clarify, are the people going to lecter's dinner parties in the show actually being served human flesh? its not that it isnt plausible, but by some accounts human meat doesn't really taste like pork, rabbit, etc. surely someone would figure out something was strange about it? and would lecter be that

That drum in the background was really unexpected, but it fit the scene well-nice touch. I've only watched the first episode of Pushing Daisies, but Fuller seems to be very concerned with design and aesthetic where a lot of network shows pretty much look the same.

Late responder, but I was bored at work: What's funny is that the adaptations I've watched get Heathcliff pretty much right, (sadistic bastard warped by his abusive childhood), but always fuck up Catherine, who is a selfish, flighty woman who doesn't care about anyone except herself and Heathcliff (and even he she

Late responder, but I was bored at work: What's funny is that the adaptations I've watched get Heathcliff pretty much right, (sadistic bastard warped by his abusive childhood), but always fuck up Catherine, who is a selfish, flighty woman who doesn't care about anyone except herself and Heathcliff (and even he she

I really enjoyed that movie, I've gotta say. The whole cast was great, and you have to like a movie that has a long Monty Pythonesque disclaimer about a fake cougar and the difficulties of filming actual cougars.

Blade 2 is fucking awesome. The Reapers alone. Also Ron Perlman's badass (TEN YEAR OLD SPOILER) death scene.

The "ham…violets" line is just poetry and why Mad Men is the only television show I've watched that has the same feeling and melancholy of modernist writing (yes I'm an English major).

So, it's Guillermo Del Toro (a man who has probably never made a bad movie) making a monster movie where robots punch monsters in the face. And Charlie Day is Charlie Day and Stringer Bell has big speeches.

Yeah, I like When Harry Met Sally. He's not great, but he's a decent actor.