conor c.

The first two acts were a good thriller (which actually acknowledged the Americans are responsible for a lot of Iran's fucking problems in the first place), but then the climax makes the movie a gooey, patriotic piece of bullshit which makes Iranians generic bad guys all over again. Definitely didn't deserve Best

The clips of him in Elephant Man are really, really awesome. I've never seen the Lynch movie, but Bowie is so goddamn sad in the theater version. 

In interviews (where he's less cocaine sex freak Bowie and more stable Iman Bowie), he seems like he's got a good sense of humor. I'd love to see those clips too!

like bowie sliced his arm open?

I love him on "Funtime" for Iggy; he just sounds like he's a cold unfeeling machine trained to do backup vocals.

Magic is awesome, a decent little novel too.

They had a similar analysis for the Batman movies too-which turned out to be pretty dead on.

Illyria is just a giant showcase for Acker's amazing fucking range. That moment when she "puts on" Fred for her parents, then switches to Illyria's voice in front of Wes-chills.

Which, awesomely, is the line of most Shakespeare baddies: "I'm evil, cause fuck you, thats why."

I rewatched it a couple of times too. Goddamn it, I just want to be together!!! (runs to a corner, sobs)

Being that Frank and Claire seem very aware of the other's extramarital affairs, I would describe it as interestingly equal in power. Its simply something they both do. However, they also seem kind of resentful of it, but let it go.

I watched the movie again recently, and I was surprised by how scary he really is. He's not as human as say Hearn but he's terrifying, as when SPOILERS

Any good video recordings of Follies? I'm having trouble finding one. I'm a sucker for Into The Woods (I watched it when I was leaving for college, and "No One Is Alone" just made me burst into tears).

It's not bad, especially Baron Cohen (actually, he's just great). I think Carter's weird lullaby whisper works for "wait".

Late response, but Bodie's death is enormous, not because he's a good man per se: he's not. He's an angry, violent, selfish, venemous asshole. But he's also a person who puts his faith and his being in something and it totally betrays him. "A man must have a code." And Bodie is a murderer, but he does have one; at the

My favorite song is when (and its totally meant to sound like it) after the solo when Iggy stops screaming then coughs a shit ton, sort of like a really heavy bong rip. Appropriately, this song is perfect for bong rips.

Ashetons actually really funky, which makes the first two records very groovy and atmospheric (and adds a strong James Brown feel). I'd agree that he's better but Williamson might actually be more influential at least on the first wave on punk

I have a friend who knows him pretty well. Apparently, he's a pretty nice guy-maybe he lost his skeeviness over time, but I dunno. Amazing guitarist though.

Hee hee, that's okay!

I'm probably gonna stop watching this show because I don't care enough, but Stoll brings it in episode five (NOT A HUGE SPOILER). It's amazing watching him wrestle with the consequences of his actions and then be manipulated back into complacency. Give the guy an HBO show.