conor c.

yeah, the term was probably misused, my fault. i meant more that sorkin has a very liberal world view, one i think is misguided as a left winger-he cherishes institutions (i hate that word) that i personally think are corrupt and dangerous.

yeah, the term was probably misused, my fault. i meant more that sorkin has a very liberal world view, one i think is misguided as a left winger-he cherishes institutions (i hate that word) that i personally think are corrupt and dangerous.

Yeah, stupid millenials, leading a current, vibrant youth movement around the world to get rid of neoliberal baby boomers/dictators/idiot political parties.

Yeah, stupid millenials, leading a current, vibrant youth movement around the world to get rid of neoliberal baby boomers/dictators/idiot political parties.

yeah thats sort of the joke of the show-they ARE pathetic whiny white boys, and its hilarious.

yeah thats sort of the joke of the show-they ARE pathetic whiny white boys, and its hilarious.

Margaret might be the funniest person on the entire show: everything she says is cheerfully insane.

Margaret might be the funniest person on the entire show: everything she says is cheerfully insane.

Sounds good-I really liked Mackintosh's performance on Luther going from supportive friend to unstable, desperate murderer.

Sounds good-I really liked Mackintosh's performance on Luther going from supportive friend to unstable, desperate murderer.

Eh, Chad…I had sex with Katie too, man…

Eh, Chad…I had sex with Katie too, man…

The Theron arc for her part is amazing acting: she had to play a person whose every scene could be interpreted in retrospect (and simultaneously) as if (a) she was a new love interest for Michael, (b) a spy, (c) mentally retarded. And she nailed it.

The Theron arc for her part is amazing acting: she had to play a person whose every scene could be interpreted in retrospect (and simultaneously) as if (a) she was a new love interest for Michael, (b) a spy, (c) mentally retarded. And she nailed it.

lol, in retrospect i feel kind of dumb for thinking that (although my version is funny), but I have asbergers: its tricky telling human emotion and body language.

lol, in retrospect i feel kind of dumb for thinking that (although my version is funny), but I have asbergers: its tricky telling human emotion and body language.

The best version is the Santa Monica live version: Ronson just going apeshit on the bridge.

The best version is the Santa Monica live version: Ronson just going apeshit on the bridge.

I thought Rico was being completely honest when he said he has sex with Vanessa three-4 times a week: he thought it was average for relationships, thus disappointing Nate, which was hilarious.

I thought Rico was being completely honest when he said he has sex with Vanessa three-4 times a week: he thought it was average for relationships, thus disappointing Nate, which was hilarious.