conor c.

cottage cheese and ketchup. fuck yeah; one of the few things id be friends with nixon over.

i dug him
in mystery train, hes a creepy mix of con man and a person who needs to tell his story, someone whos kind of repulsive, but his storytelling is so hypnotizing that it redeems his ugliness.

lil wayne
its true that lil wayne is a total dick in the carter, although its a pretty good documentary overall; still, he has this really odd moment where he talks about his death in a way that i found kind of touching and meaningful. maybe im full of shit, but surely someone has the quote somewhere

patsy is the sort of guy who just bides his time, waiting to be promoted, which he knows he definitely will, almost a little creepy in his patience; one of the interesting aspects of the last few episodes is patsy's self-satisfaction with his increasing prominence.

i felt like it was because jackie jr-the heir to the mob, the son of the boss-is killed on orders of the mafia. the younger generation is destroyed by the older. i feel like it ties in nicely to one of the persistent themes of the sopranos, the slow disintergration of the Mafia.

i havent seen this episode in a while, but i think that his father got them off partially, but not to mention the plan was audacious and showed a lot of daring. the mobsters appreciated that tony and jackie had guts.

i remember finding tony saying "my god…yer just like my mudder" hilariously funny; his eyes bug out when he says it.
actually, tony and jackie sr. robbed feech's card game together, and were spared because of the balls-out audacity of the plan. ralphie never got in on it though, as he was fucking some hippie

as i get annoyed by some of his stunts (and I'm a Smith fan), this is…pretty cool. looking forward to where this is going.

they shouldn't have bothered, the first was awesome. my dads a high school teacher, and he laughed his ass of the entire time. after, he said it was one of the most accurate high school movies ever. damn right.

is probably suede. it's not anybody's oversight exactly, as they were never popular outside of the UK, but I dont know anybody whos a fan, especially considering their overshadowing by one of the bands they inspired, oasis. but "animal nitrate" is one of the best pop songs of Britpop, and these glittery, playful

harry nilsson
is a pretty moving songwriter at his best, and for some reason, i keep comparing him to replacements-era westerberg: both songwriters capable of great emotion and melody, but they always goofed with it, sabotaging their potential with insane fuck ups they called songs. but that was what made them great,

phil line: "well, excuse me for praising your zesty performance." also, ed o neill as jay is a master of deadpan readings: "the irony is just occurring to me." he's whipped and he's ok.

pine barrens
maybe the best episode of the series; like all of the sopranos, it's made of the little things. aj's look of alarm at his father swearing into the phone (cause how else do you react? always makes me laugh though). chris laughing at paulie, reassuring him he's not gonna leave. the russian's sentiments

i've never wept listening to a smiths song, but…what mark84 said. morrissey really taps into a certain kind of self-hating shy person, who nevertheless craves love. and depending on who you are, gay sex. seriously, moz, just come out already.

yeah, ive always thought marr and morrissey should just fuck and get it over with.

i want the first i can't have

indeed they are, i love modern punk (go to gilman a lot, try to keep up with new bands), but i always go back to the ramones. my cardinal rule for a good punk song: does it make me jump up and down, headbang, feel something? and "cretin hop" always does.

I Am The Truth: I will fight you.

the moment
when marshall is railing really got to me, but when that voicemail happens, you know how much it means to him. good acting from all players.

i noticed jolie leaning on pitt, i actually found it kind of endearing, although i dont care much about them. well, good for them, i guess..