conor c.

i think you could justify destroying burning man, but not san francisco, as i live there. still, considering all the insufferable hippies i've met in my travels, the destruction of burning man would make the world a much better place.

mccartney solo
gotta disagree with the assumption about mccartney's recent career-memory almost full and chaos or creation are quite good, thank you very much. also, mccartney (album) rules.

i always liked the line johnny had about how both tony and his father always had "enemies", that they always needed someone to be against. both a nice bit about tony's inheritance from his father, and how tony needs a dramatic conflict to keep himself in charge.

actually, thats what i felt made lost really different from mainstream tv: it didnt solve anything until far later, and that made it frustrating and compelling.

my favorite episode
is of course pine barrens but employee of the month is fucking devastating. i do like this episode because i had no idea that they would open with this quiet but pulsating episode. it felt more like an actual day in the world of the sopranos more than most of the episodes. actually, thats what was

kanye west wasnt saying bush was racist, he was saying that bush doesnt CARE about black people- an extremely accurate statement about a rich texan who had never been taught to care about the lower classes by his asshole parents. anyway, this is probably the best thing west ever did besides "touch the sky."

It's cool you guys saw the Ramones, but you should check out some of the better bands: Against Me (formerly when they were awesome), the Thermals, Be Your Own Pet, Street Eaters, Smogtown, etc.

yeah i know, it was half-joking, but i love punk rock way too much to not care.

does this band suck. thank god all these idiots like sum 41 are dying off; and afi seems to be starting a slow decline to under the radar. now we just have paramore to deal with, and punk will go back to the underground where it belongs…

Battle Royale
Superb example of the bomb under the table: the Japanese girl, as we wait for the poison to hit her and all hell to break loose.

They got the money for this fucking thing, they cant pay the vig?

Agree; Alice Cooper's cool, plus his cameo in Wayne's World is pretty funny shit.

love this show
spider-skull island sounds like a pretty awesome, logical government. sign me up for free pot!

why dont we just…
Give Peter Serafinowicz HIS own show? Seriously, he's hilarious in everything he does. He could totally support a tv series.

i think don is making a huuuuge mistake, megan seems at least to be pretty awesome. she doesnt freak out at the kids when they spill things, shes smart, ambitious, intelligent, passionate, and she seems to UNDERSTAND don, something betty never did. she sums him up so quickly. so yeah, a little optimism is

this movie
is brilliant; it also explains why i don't understand the impulse to adore nature as some adorable thing, and to "get back to the roots" and go camping. first of all, nature is primal, aggressive, and vibrant, it doesn't give a fuck about humans. the camping is more my own issue (modern technology was

and i thought jason segel was a lawyer, great, ill have to get legal advice from someone not awesome.

Barney + Robin
Man thats a hot combo on TV, but in real life thats kind of funny: neil's gay, married with kids, and cobie's married with kids.

Maybe thats why Faye's good for Don, she doesnt give a shit if Don fucks other girls (unless it gets super-personal like say Rachel).

Like the third season finale
Don has massive brass balls. I mean, seriously, fuckin' the Fonz would have compensation problems when it comes to Don's ridiculous balls. Great episode, interesting bit of context with Lane noting that his family has moved to England. Loved the interplay between Pete and Don, and