
actually, the IFT  thing was the only time i've ever defended skylar. at least she did something proactive in that episode. otherwise, she whines, fumes, gives people the death stare, but she never DOES anything. her entire character arc is a lesson in lethargy.

it can get cold in the desert at night even during the summer, so i don't think that tells us much of anything. i don't think the writers put too much thought into when things occur temporally speaking. walt jr has apparently been going to school year-round and there is no way the baby they're using as holly is just a

it can get cold in the desert at night even during the summer, so i don't think that tells us much of anything. i don't think the writers put too much thought into when things occur temporally speaking. walt jr has apparently been going to school year-round and there is no way the baby they're using as holly is just a

amc does have a seperate HD channel on time warner—not sure abotu other providers

amc does have a seperate HD channel on time warner—not sure abotu other providers

yeah, but the credit card thing was pretty bitchy: 'waaaaalt, the mastercard's the one we're NOT supposed to use.' all i could think of was 'you could get a real job rather than trying to hock cheap crap you bought at a flea market on ebay' but maybe that's just me. note that at the time walt was also working 2 jobs

yeah, but the credit card thing was pretty bitchy: 'waaaaalt, the mastercard's the one we're NOT supposed to use.' all i could think of was 'you could get a real job rather than trying to hock cheap crap you bought at a flea market on ebay' but maybe that's just me. note that at the time walt was also working 2 jobs

i'm stunned this got an A. It's a C at best. I don't know if it's the writing, the acting, or what, but skyler's annoying and sudden terror regarding walt makes more sense on paper than it does on screen. also, watching her play eeyore for 45 minutes of the episode was not my idea of a quality episode.

i'm stunned this got an A. It's a C at best. I don't know if it's the writing, the acting, or what, but skyler's annoying and sudden terror regarding walt makes more sense on paper than it does on screen. also, watching her play eeyore for 45 minutes of the episode was not my idea of a quality episode.

i just refuse to watch superhero movies. i actually did try to watch the dark knight and just couldn't get into it. i could try to make some argument that i don't care for the the necessity of a bumbling and inept legal system for the movies to even work, but that would be bullshit, because i love horror movies and

maybe not, but i still don't think 2006 is correct.

maybe not, but i still don't think 2006 is correct.

was this really supposed to be from 2006? i remember that vanessa carlton song being popular while i was still in college and i graduated in 04.
eta: sorry, looks like it took place in 2002, hence the 'graduating class of 2006' thing.

was this really supposed to be from 2006? i remember that vanessa carlton song being popular while i was still in college and i graduated in 04.
eta: sorry, looks like it took place in 2002, hence the 'graduating class of 2006' thing.

i couldn't tell if her wig was supposed to be her real hair or if she was actually supposed to be wearing a wig like waymond—i also liked the callback to how waymond seems to be her go-to guy..reminded of the one where ders refuses to do the modeling thing and she barks at waymond to come on and they'll make the shoot

i couldn't tell if her wig was supposed to be her real hair or if she was actually supposed to be wearing a wig like waymond—i also liked the callback to how waymond seems to be her go-to guy..reminded of the one where ders refuses to do the modeling thing and she barks at waymond to come on and they'll make the shoot

no, pretty sure they were tater tots.

no, pretty sure they were tater tots.

i'm only rooting for jesse and mike at this point. i figured most others feel the same as i do.

i'm only rooting for jesse and mike at this point. i figured most others feel the same as i do.